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Why Is Kemp Working With DNC To Remove Common Sense Election Rules

  • RV sales down 8.9%. Are they going to be lay­ing off peo­ple that make the RV? 
  • Back by pop­u­lar demand, just before the elec­tion, Free At Home COVID tests. COVID surge caus­es schools to close. Just like that. 
  • They are try­ing to steal the elec­tion in GA. Every­thing they say is actu­al­ly the truth about them. Mer­rick Gar­land did dou­ble the size of the elec­tion depart­ment. Why did he do that? Not because all Amer­i­cans have a right to vote, no. What they did was they cheat­ed and next time they are going to be watch­ing, they have to dou­ble down. Gar­land brings up mail in bal­lots, they have inten­tion­al­ly total­ly dis­rupt­ed our USPS sys­tem. It is in fail­ure mode. A vot­er ID real­ly trou­bles them because it will stop ille­gals from vot­ing. The threat of elec­tion inter­fer­ence and the trans­fer of pow­er on J6. We already have states say­ing that it will take days to get the results in. We are head­ing into Sep­tem­ber and only weeks before vot­ing will start. 
  • Your con­sti­tu­tion says that on Jan 3 the new con­gress is sworn in. on jan 6 is when the new con­gress con­venes with the lead­er­ship of the sen­ate to accept the elec­toral col­lege results com­plet­ing the elec­tion. Then Jan 20 is inau­gu­ra­tion. They will try to put the fear into us that those who are watch­ing the elec­tion will be pros­e­cut­ed for inter­fer­ing with an elec­tion. “Some elec­tion offi­cials refused to cer­ti­fy results, few were held account­able” Repub­li­cans have been work­ing to get rep­re­sen­ta­tives on elec­tion boards to watch what is hap­pen­ing in our elec­tions across the coun­try and in GA. Ful­ton coun­ty stopped Jason Fraiz­er from get­ting on the board. The deep state is total­ly upset that we are going to watch the elec­tions. 
  • Why would Kemp and Carr give the DSM the pos­si­bil­i­ty to remove the pro-Trump elec­tion board mem­bers. Kemp could come out right now and say the eth­i­cal com­plaint and we are send­ing it to the prop­er chan­nels. And SB202 and SB189 that were passed by our gen­er­al assem­bly and is the law that the SEB is work­ing under and the rules do not vio­late the law. When will Mar­ty and Bri­an come out and say We in GA when it relates to accu­rate GA elec­tions. These rules only enhance the con­fi­dence in GA elec­tions. 
  • They want to lead you to believe they want you to pick the win­ner. When they didn’t even trust their own peo­ple in the demo­c­rat par­ty to pick their nom­i­nee. What Rachel Mad­dow is say­ing is we want nor­mal elec­tions, and count them as we count them and cer­ti­fy the results that we agree with. Why did Kemp let this be news? He is not on board with Trump. After Kemp went on Han­ni­ty and all his sup­port­ers went on to kiss his a$$ are being put on a list. 
  • The rad­i­cal­ly changed elec­tion rules: we have a seg­ment on the SEB and the rules. They don’t want you to look at the doc­u­ments. If you are a GA state elec­tion work­er and as a part of your duties if you sign off in the elec­tion you have a right to look at the doc­u­ments. Then the poll watch­ers and count­ing by hand… they are wor­ried that some­one might see some­thing and say some­thing. The new rules are allow­ing a poll watch­er for each count­ing sta­tion in the room, not just repub­li­cans but democ­rats also. Why don’t democ­rats want to watch all the tables? They won’t tell you the truth. This will also allow a demo­c­rat to watch. In GA we have elec­tron­ic poll pads, then we have the vot­ing machines that print the “bal­lot”, and take that paper to the bal­lot box. Now the rule is that if the poll pad, machine, and # bal­lots have to match. It is like a cash reg­is­ter draw, it has to be rec­on­ciled for you to fill out a report to say why your cash draw is off. 
  • It is all a lie.. It’s all staged. How can we defend our­selves when our Top offi­cials won’t stand next to them to say that all we are doing is mak­ing sure that our elec­tions are accu­rate. 
  • If Kemp went on Sean Han­ni­ty and tru­ly sup­port­ed Trump he would not have gone all the way back­wards to want to remove the 3 repub­li­can SEB. Bri­an Kemp knows Rick Jef­fers and Jenelle King per­son­al­ly and knows they didn’t just pass rules to pass rules. 
  • Trump tells the truth. We have to get out and vote. We have to stop them from cheat­ing, the rules. Why do you think they are so angry? 
  • Tul­si endorsed Trump. RFK: “Won­der Woman just joined the Jus­tice League” 
  • RFK is on the tran­si­tion team, he will help vet all the cab­i­net mem­bers. The repub­li­can elite are not get­ting excit­ed about it. Tuck­er nego­ti­at­ed the deal between Trump and RFK. 
  • They are try­ing to save the bureau­cra­cy. About 200 for­mer aides to Bush, Rom­ney, and McCain backed Har­ris over Trump. 
  • The mon­ey needs to be inves­ti­gat­ed. $540M donat­ed to Har­ris since July 21. 

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