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Republicans Run Rogue And Democrats Run With A Plan With Players

  • Kamala’s inter­view will be in GA, we told you the oth­er day. This is sup­posed to be off the heels of Don­ald Trump and Bri­an Kemp hav­ing a kum­baya moment. Why is it in the first dis­trict in Savan­nah? Black women vote. Remem­ber every­thing is strate­gic. Repub­li­cans run rogue and do their own things, they don’t have the total align­ment, team play­ers. The local rags and news net­works. The democ­rats make sure they go into where they get the local news from the com­mu­nist affil­i­ate. Repub­li­cans don’t have that option. The AJC is ready and they have an oppo­si­tion to the black vote. 
  • RFK talks about the amount of mon­ey spent to keep him off the bal­lot. Since announc­ing the oth­er day that he would remove his name from 10 dif­fer­ent states. The democ­rats with an enor­mous amount of mon­ey and refused to let him get off the bal­lot in MI and WI. 
  • We know about the law­suit the DNC has against the GA SEB. The $540M raised since July 21. The big talk was you have to have Kamala because it was the only way to shift the Biden funds. They have the mon­ey to fight every­thing. They fought RFK get­ting on the bal­lot and RFK get­ting off the bal­lot, the GA State Elec­tion Board. 
  • Why is the inter­view in GA? And why with Tim Walz, your VP? The inter­view is with Dana Bash, it will not be impromp­tu. It is timed and laid out right at Labor Day week­end. Dana was glow­ing over Kamala at the DNC. 
  • If Kemp and Trump have had the kum­baya moment then why? “Kemp 2024 mes­sage: There’s no path for for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump to get to 270 with­out Geor­gia. 
  • The jus­tices don’t do inter­views: but Katan­jy Brown Jack­son does inter­views con­cerned about immu­ni­ty rul­ing. First black female judge. She does the inter­view on CBS and then they run the black woman polling. Now on MSNB 86% of black women say they will vote. And Kamala goes into the first dis­trict today then goes to the 2nd. 
  • They lay it out days in advance, repub­li­cans don’t have the advance team, they don’t have the media to lay the ground­work. VP to hold a solo ral­ly in Savan­nah tomor­row. South GA has 3 deep blue pock­ets, Colum­bus, Macon, Savan­nah. Out­side of that south GA is very red. They have a rea­son to get out the vote in the first dis­trict in Savan­nah and they have a rea­son to get out the vote in the sec­ond dis­trict. 
  • San­ford Bish­op is the demo­c­rat from the sec­ond dis­trict run­ning against Wayne John­son, an ulti­mate white guy. They will ral­ly the black dis­tricts in the sec­ond to come out for Kamala. The white guy will increase the black vot­er turnout. 
  • Repub­li­cans trade mon­ey. Nev­er new peo­ple. Metro only has so many repub­li­can votes. Metro is where the Don­ald Trump Bri­an Kemp prob­lem is times 10. The red vote has Kemp bumper stick­ers. Kemp should have been at the air­port with Mar­ty to wel­come Trump, that is what you do to sup­port the nom­i­nee. Kemp should have got­ten on the stage to say we have elect­ed Don­ald Trump. Kemp holds the key to the red vote in Metro. 
  • The rea­son for Savan­nah. Kan­diss Tay­lor is being used right now. The NAACP in Appling coun­ty blew up the tweet of Kan­diss Tay­lor. This will be the major turnout for the black vote. Greg Bluestein is paving the way. He put out the tweets and wrote the arti­cle paving the way for Kamala. Dana Bash is get­ting the inter­view tonight. 
  • Kemp is going to do a fundrais­er for Trump. 
  • Judge rules against allow­ing Kennedy, three oth­ers on GA pres­i­den­tial bal­lot. The judge doesn’t have a right to do this and Brad Raf­fensperg­er can push back. This is an admin­is­tra­tive law court tri­al. The same office that was 2 months ago, where the judges are 100% right is now 100% wrong. 
  • Trump Force 47 is only invit­ing RINOs and peo­ple that are posi­tion­ing them­selves for 2026. The 14th took a major nose­dive with vot­er con­fi­dence, they are the sec­ond most pop­u­lous vote in the state. Carl Black­burn, the chair for the 9th dis­trict, is a very bad man. BKP has gone all over the 9th and 14th dis­trict to get out the vote for Trump. The 9th is the most pop­u­lous red dis­trict in GA, and was the 3rd in the coun­try before redis­trict­ing. We have to bring out the vote in North GA and in large num­bers. Carl Black­burn, Denise Burns, MTG had to get rid of a work­er, we have to come out 15% more to win the state for Trump. 

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