Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel, August 30, 2024

All Star Political Panel, August 30, 2024

Seg 1

  • Kamala CNN inter­view and the soft­ball ques­tion. 
  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple like to feel secu­ri­ty. There are some things we want in place so we can go about our day. The deep state com­mit­tee runs this coun­try. Joe is on the beach sleep­ing on the beach. And Kamala is rid­ing around on the bus cam­paign­ing. Not only is Kamala a can­di­date but she could get elect­ed as pres­i­dent of the US. What will hap­pen if she has to sit down with Putin to work out the peace agree­ment with Ukraine. 
  • Every­day says Kamala was cho­sen, ascend­ed and is run­ning for pres­i­dent. She was part of the coup to get rid of Joe Biden. 
  • It’s Labor Day week­end, they knew that last night the peo­ple would not watch it. And if any­thing was going to break, all the top anchors would not have gone on vaca­tion. It was a record­ed inter­view and it was edit­ed. CNN had a pregame on the inter­view for an hour before it came on. CNN tik­tok had the clips from the inter­view on 30 min­utes before. On Twit­ter it was 45 min­utes before the inter­view. 
  • Remem­ber Kamala said she was always in the room. Where were the tough ques­tions from Dana Bash? What was it like in the sit­u­a­tion room when Putin was on the bor­der of Ukraine? But instead it was Don­ald Trump who said you just turned black. What are you going to do on day one? It was a one hour com­mer­cial for Kamala. 
  • What would any day be like if the gov­er­nors were on the show? Every­day Bri­an Kemp does some­thing. They keep say­ing that Kemp is sup­port­ing Don­ald Trump. Where has Kemp been in the first dis­trict to take the news cycle? Bri­an Kemp is prov­ing his sup­port for Don­ald Trump. Last night at the Kemp fundrais­er for Trump in the room was Mike Pom­peo, who was the one that told Trump he could not release the doc­u­ments on the JFK mur­der. Kel­ly Loef­fler with her hus­band who owns the NY Stock Exchange. Remem­ber Kel­ly said she would vote against the elec­tors but after J6 she said she couldn’t. Remem­ber she was appoint­ed by Bri­an Kemp. It was a fundrais­er for select peo­ple. 
  • Tuck­er is Don­ald Trump’s chief advi­sor. Tuck­er says that Mike Pom­peo is a crim­i­nal. RFK said he would be the one to release the papers for his uncle’s mur­der. 
  • Whether you like it or not, there were 6 or 7 thou­sand in the room last night in Savan­nah for Kamala. 
  • Tul­si Gab­bard and RFK are on the cam­paign trail with Don­ald Trump. 


Seg 2

  • The inter­view that wasn’t. Kamala’s val­ues have not changed. She has mim­ic­ked Trump and oth­ers and they are lipser­vice for her to get elect­ed. Your val­ues is your core and what you go back to when you are hav­ing a tough day in life. Her val­ues are deep state, glob­al­ist. She grew up with a father that was a marx­ist. The sig­nal­ing last night was she hasn’t changed her val­ues. 


Seg 3 

  • Endorse­ments: RFK (D, Kennedy), Tul­si (D), Fly­nn (D), do you see repub­li­cans on the cam­paign trail with him. The deep state uni­par­ty, we have as many prob­lems on the R side as the D side has. They all want to stop end­less wars, do you see the deep state repub­li­cans run­ning to the mic. Trump is sur­round­ing him­self with peo­ple that are Amer­i­ca First. 
  • The deep state can­not have Don­ald Trump or RFK in the oval, adopt­ing the MAHA. There are peo­ple out there if Chi­na would promise $35 insulin they would sign up. 
  • 7:30 — land of milk and hon­ey. 
  • The day that RFK and Trump joined togeth­er, they are two dif­fer­ent par­ties that are uni­fy­ing. God is giv­ing us hope with these two peo­ple along with the oth­ers that are com­ing into the cam­paign.  
  • We want to know why our chil­dren are not healthy. We want to know about these processed foods. 
  • The peo­ple that weren’t hap­py with the vac­cine and the shot with Trump, RFK brings that back in. RFK says that he trusts Trump to do the right thing. 
  • If Kamala gets elect­ed we will nev­er get infor­ma­tion. 
  • Tuck­er does an inter­view with Pavel Durov and then gets tricked to go to France, then gets arrest­ed. Days lat­er Zucker­berg comes out spilling the beans. When will we be arrest­ed when we have pri­vate mes­sages? Then wait until you have a voice con­ver­sa­tion. Tuck­er is going to do a live show, it is the cam­paign trail. 
  • Free speech is a thing of the past. It start­ed 20 years ago on the cam­pus­es. 
  • The demo­c­rat machine is strong in GA. in 2024, we have some fight­ers out there that will not allow the steal to hap­pen again. There was a time when you couldn’t go to the store on Sun­day, but now we can go vote on Sun­day. 
  • Win­ners and losers

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