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What News Is The GA Shooter Covering Up?

  • It’s the look over here. Yes­ter­day the school shoot­ing changed the debate. Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da sur­faced. It is sad they would use this to cov­er up the truth. 
  • This is a prob­lem for Kamala. The Walz fam­i­ly reveal they are sup­port­ing Trump. Tim Walz lies about every­thing. 
  • Keep this in mind, Elon Musk, Tuck­er Carl­son, Tul­si Gab­bard, RFK all believe that the CIA pulled a coup in this nation and these are all Trump’s top advi­sors. While things are being exposed to you, the deep state has to cov­er it up. As the truth comes out they must stop it. 
  • All the news is on the GA shoot­er. All this is being put out there then they go to high­light the map, the win is in GA. 
  • Prof Jef­frey Sachs, Colum­bia pro­fes­sor, The gov­ern­ment is smirk­ing in our face. They are treat­ing it like there is  noth­ing to see here. WE are clear­ly head­ed into a war with Iran. 
  • In GA, Inac­tive vot­ers are still able to cast a vote in the elec­tion due to GA vot­ers’ sta­tus being changed to inac­tive because of returned mail. The new precinct cards that were mailed are being returned caus­ing vot­ers to be inac­tive. Remem­ber Ossoff mak­ing a big deal of the USPS prob­lems. You mean peo­ple who are being made inac­tive could cast a vote. Can you see the post office being used in the court­room? They have laid the ground­work already. There are near­ly 8.1 M reg­is­tered vot­ers with over 1M inac­tive vot­ers. 
  • Ful­ton Sher­iff office reveals more than $2M in unpaid con­trac­tor bills. There are at least 5 rea­sons for the AG to inves­ti­gate Ful­ton Coun­ty to remove their com­mis­sion and the state reor­ga­nize the coun­ty. The cor­rup­tion in the coun­ty, the peo­ple that are dying. In the jail, there are men that are rot­ting in the cell. There are thou­sands that have nev­er seen a judge. This is black on black crime. Black DA, black chair­man, black sher­iff, black inmates. Bri­an Kemp has every rea­son to go into Ful­ton coun­ty. Peo­ple dying on the streets of Ful­ton Coun­ty and in their pris­ons. But Chris Carr is busy at the bor­der. 

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