Home / Georgia / Pay Attention: Republicans Won’t Discuss Any Meaningful Gun Laws

Pay Attention: Republicans Won’t Discuss Any Meaningful Gun Laws

  • Don’t you wish Kamala would have gone off script and been out­raged by the death of Lak­en Riley, or the Venezue­lan gangs. Do you think the shoot­ing is a coverup of the Venezue­lan gangs? They are in a neigh­bor­hood near you. 
  • They are going to take your guns or your kids. 
  • Pay atten­tion. The word epi­dem­ic was used. It is a choice we are mak­ing as repub­li­cans. And repub­li­cans will not dis­cuss mean­ing­ful gun laws. In the past sev­er­al years law mak­ers even here in GA. They have tried to pass men­tal health bills with the red flag laws hid­den in the bill. Here is what repub­li­cans are going to do, we are going to put it in a men­tal health bill. In CA if you don’t sup­port the child they will take the child. The ground­work is being laid now. Where did the kid get the gun? The father said he had hunt­ing rifles and son had no access. The only way we can be sure is the son had no access, we have to come in a look. More and more cas­es where par­ents are being tried. This will be put in leg­is­la­tion, go after the par­ents, take the chil­dren, do an inspec­tion. 
  • The CIA had a role in the coup in 1963. Remem­ber that when Rand Paul said we lost the coun­try. Jef­frey Sachs says it was the day we lost our repub­lic sys­tem. Every pres­i­dent  after that every pres­i­dent lived in fear. The CIA got away with mur­der and empow­ered them to con­tin­ue. We will nev­er learn the truth. There was an attempt to assas­si­nate Trump 2 days before the con­ven­tion. None of the infor­ma­tion we know did not come from the Secret Ser­vice and Christo­pher Wray. The largest COVID fraud came from MN. what hap­pened to this coun­try and our chil­dren dur­ing COVID. The NorStream pipeline. We get com­plete­ly lied to by our gov­ern­ment. It’s the care­free lie com­ing from the White House. If you try to get to the truth it is sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly shut down. The intel­li­gence agen­cies around the world are linked. When the nego­ti­a­tions hap­pen in the world, who goes? The intel­li­gence agen­cies go as if it is the leader of our for­eign pol­i­cy. By char­ter the CIA is an intel­li­gence mis­sion and any oth­er mis­sion. There was only 1 review of the CIA, the church com­mit­tee 49 years ago. Dick Chaney tried to shut down the Church Com­mit­tee. When Church start­ed he didn’t know he would uncov­er mass assas­si­na­tion attempts and gov­ern­ment coups but the lid was put back on. 
  • Every­thing is about keep­ing the kids safe. 
  • They are chem­i­cal­ly alter­ing your brain. They have been test­ing drugs on you for years. They are alter­ing med­ical mar­i­jua­na. And Big Phar­ma is help­ing out. 
  • Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da had to be in the news yes­ter­day because Jef­frey Sachs said that 600K have died in Ukraine and the 2016 regime change with Barack Oba­ma in Ukraine installing Zelen­sky. There are 2000 that are dying a day in Ukraine. Instead you are afraid of the white kid. 
  • You will see some oth­er for­eign influ­ences that will give you noise.

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