Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel September 6, 2024

All Star Political Panel September 6, 2024

Seg 1

  • Why is it always a 14 year old white boy? There are a few of you that remem­ber when you were in school, the school cal­en­dar reflect­ed har­vest and hunt­ing sea­son. The dad gave his son a hunt­ing rifle for Christ­mas. There was a time in this coun­try the boys had to be home to help har­vest the crops and 14 year old boys actu­al­ly went hunt­ing. What is hap­pen­ing is that we are not rais­ing men any­more. We don’t have a gun prob­lem in Amer­i­ca. 
  • We have com­mu­nist in our gov­ern­ment that are try­ing to take us down from with­in. We have a uni­par­ty in this coun­try. The demo­c­rat par­ty is not the par­ty of our grand­par­ents, they are com­mu­nist mas­querad­ing as the demo­c­rat par­ty. 
  • Don­ald Trump has sur­round­ed him­self with RFK, Tul­si, Elon, Vivek all are not uni­par­ty peo­ple. You don’t see the usu­als on the cam­paign trail any­more. We want to hear that those cor­rupt peo­ple will not go back into the par­ty. 
  • The dad has been arrest­ed.
  • 60 days to go. Why do we need 50 days to vote? There are 3 states in Amer­i­ca that still have an elec­tion day, only 1 day to vote. NH, MS, AL. In GA our law­mak­ers keep telling us we need all this time. 
  • We have a school shoot­ing and 4 peo­ple are dead. Is it a coin­ci­dence that a 14 year old boy with an assault weapon that they want to go away. Kamala picked a high school teacher with a camo hat. It is very inter­est­ing that we have a school shoot­ing right now. Right before a debate. Won­der if the direc­tion of the debate will change. 4 peo­ple are dead but they won’t talk about the thou­sands in Gaza. They want to take your guns away when 4 peo­ple are dead but they don’t want to take the bombs away when they kill a 3 year old kid. 
  • In August the com­mu­nist par­ty of Amer­i­ca raised $361m. They tell us that it is grass­roots. Rus­sia fund­ed mil­lions in a media com­pa­ny in TN. Our DOJ found 11M into a TN media com­pa­ny to inter­fere in our elec­tion. 3 right wing influ­encers are said to receive the mon­ey from Rus­sia Today. 
  • But the $361M is on the up and up by grass­roots activists. This is for­eign influ­ence and Act Blue. They need to have a full active inves­ti­ga­tion into Act Blue. It is inter­est­ing that the DOJ can find the 11M and the 361m is on the up and up. 
  • Kamala nev­er worked at McDon­alds. Kamala doesn’t know any­thing about busi­ness. She is going to offer a tax break to start a new busi­ness. What she told the cor­po­ra­tions was to spin off a new busi­ness. This tax break is not for the small busi­ness it is for the cor­po­ra­tions 


Seg 2

  • The stock mar­ket is jump­ing around. Job low­er than expect­ed. Man­u­fac­tur­ing is low­er. The job num­bers are not as strong. They are walk­ing a fine line to plunge into a reces­sion. Every job num­ber has been revised. 67% of the job num­bers are made up. 
  • Trump was at the eco­nom­ic club yes­ter­day. He under­stands the tar­iffs. He talks about tax breaks and repa­tri­a­tion of the mon­ey. You want the rich friends to put the mon­ey back on the table. Trump stayed and answered all the ques­tions. If Trump can get his mes­sage out, he has the mes­sage. 
  • Kamala’s eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy is noth­ing. Trump is send­ing Kamala a MAGA hat because she is tak­ing all his poli­cies. But Kamala is going to give ille­gals mon­ey. What is an oppor­tu­ni­ty econ­o­my? They threw the term around in 2021 with the jobs act. 
  • Media lies. 
  • 1963 is when we lost the repub­lic. Jef­frey Sachs inter­view with Tuck­er. 


Seg 3

  • Cor­rupt Media
  • DNC who was on the stage. 
  • Tuck­er Carl­son 
  • Dad has been arrest­ed. Gun vio­lence
  • Win­ners and losers


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