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Your Freedom Is On The Line

  • Trump threat­ens lawyers, donors with prison for elec­tion behav­ior.  
  • Trump will par­don J6ers on day one. 
  • Judge delays Trump sen­tenc­ing in hush mon­ey case until after Novem­ber elec­tion. If Trump doesn’t win, all these cas­es spring back to life and his free­dom is on the line. But it is your free­dom that is on the line. The bat­tle lines have been drawn. They know that Trump is seri­ous about pros­e­cut­ing crimes against the Amer­i­can peo­ple. No one is get­ting tried yet but we have to get past Novem­ber.  
  • Seems like just yes­ter­day we had the 3 let­ter agen­cies who lied about Hunter Biden’s lap­top. And then just like that, Hunter Biden’s new life could keep him out of jail. Hunter pleads guilty to 9 fed­er­al charges in tax eva­sion. The Spied who Lied par­tic­i­pat­ed in alter­ing an elec­tion and Trump says they are going to prison. They all know what is at stake, Liz Chaney hold­ing the fake pho­ny J6 select com­mit­tee tri­al, she knows what is on the line. 
  • You need to con­tact your local sheriff’s office and you expect them to inves­ti­gate vot­er fraud. If we can’t rely on police depart­ments to help restore the repub­lic. 
  • Joe will par­don Hunter. These are crimes against the cit­i­zens. 
  • Kamala will get on the debate stage to say she has always defend­ed the peo­ple. Your DOJ, state AG, local DA, police depart­ments are all sup­posed to defend the peo­ple. We don’t have enough pris­ons to house the num­ber of peo­ple who have checked off the wrong box or signed the wrong box. This is not about Hunter fill­ing out the doc­u­ment wrong on his gun per­mit, or that hunter didn’t pay his tax­es. Why did he plead guilty? Whistle­blow­ers tes­ti­fy there is a clear line between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s busi­ness deal­ings. Hunter Biden’s whistle­blow­er legal teams ask the IG to inves­ti­gate spe­cial coun­sel’s mis­lead­ing court fil­ings. The whistle­blow­er links Joe togeth­er with hunter. When Hunter pled guilty, it was to stop dis­cov­ery. This is a major crime that has been cov­ered up in Amer­i­ca. Hunter is get­ting away with it. Joe is get­ting away with it. Jill and all the fam­i­ly mem­bers that are stash­ing the mon­ey. Joe will par­don Hunter. Joe has zero to lose. 
  • The only chance we have is for Don­ald Trump to get these crim­i­nals in prison. Our only hope is to have a DOJ that is for We the Peo­ple. 
  • Mer­rick Gar­land is going after Hamas lead­ers, not the car­tel lead­ers. 
  • Wait until you see who Joe par­dens. Hunter’s name will be in the stack. 
  • In August alone, $361M raised by the demo­c­rat par­ty. 
  • Trump has sur­round­ed him­self with a dif­fer­ent group. 
  • Just in Time… a tad of cor­rup­tion is cor­rup­tion… Con­gress faces anoth­er gov­ern­ment shut­down dead­line. The first of Octo­ber. We have to reis­sue a spend­ing deal. Leg­is­la­tures return today after a 6 week sum­mer break. New fis­cal year, Oct 1. 

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