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Freedom Is On The Line, We Are Going To Restore The Republic

  • Every­one seems to be tak­ing a side and every­thing is set up to divide. 9/11 was set up to divide the peo­ple. So was Oct 7 of last year. Some great views think the Israel Hamas Pales­tin­ian war you think will divide democ­rats into the pro­test­ers against Israel. That is true to a point, but repub­li­cans aren’t equal­ly as divid­ed? This is an issue that divides repub­li­cans. Every­thing is cre­at­ed for you to pick a side. 
  • Tuck­er Carl­son is doing a tour with dif­fer­ent peo­ple com­ing on stage. You will see many of the peo­ple that are on stage that are going to make com­ments that are pol­i­cy dri­ven. 
  • Trump comes out this week­end and sends out a Cease and Desist. Don­ald Trump is call­ing out pol­i­cy but they will not report it. Free­dom is on the line, we are going to restore the repub­lic. 
  • Dick Chaney was VP under George W Bush. Why would you not run for pres­i­dent? He was SEc of defense under George H. He was white house chief of staff under Ger­ald Ford who nev­er received a vote. He was the deputy chief of staff when the posi­tion was estab­lished on Dec 18, 1974. 
  • Think about 1963 as the end of the repub­lic at the assas­si­na­tion of JFK. We go into Lyn­don John­son. Bar­ry Gold­wa­ter repub­li­can that runs against LBJ. After the assas­si­na­tion every pres­i­dent lived in fear of the CIA. The deep state takes hold. Nixon runs, Eisen­how­er’s VP. They have to get rid of Nixon, that is where Dick Chaney is intro­duced. And just like that you have a pres­i­dent and vice pres­i­dent that is installed. 
  • Why is Liz Chaney still such a big deal? This is big news to every­one today. Kamala Har­ris is hon­ored to have the sup­port of the Chaneys. The repub­li­cans that are play­ing a part in the deep state plan to take our free­doms. The repub­li­cans who are sup­port­ing Har­ris. George W non sup­port is sup­port for Har­ris. You have the list of repub­li­cans that are com­ing out. Nik­ki Haley can’t make a com­mit­ment and dodges ques­tions. 
  • Trump is sur­round­ed by non-par­ty loy­al­ists. Trump is polling 1% high­er and this is hor­ri­ble for democ­rats. Har­ris has to com­plete­ly change tomor­row night in the debate. Don­ald Trump can be Don­ald Trump. 
  • Liz Chaney say­ing we have to do every­thing pos­si­ble? Remem­ber you would not know any­thing about the assas­si­na­tion attempt with­out the peo­ple. They want to restore their par­ty. They want to get rid of Trump. The judge moved the Trump sen­tenc­ing to Novem­ber 26th. 
  • JD Vance has giv­en more inter­views in the past few weeks than Kamala has done in the past 4 years.  
  • There were dates all through the elec­tion cycle. What should have hap­pened was the judge should have reversed the charges in the hush mon­ey case on Sep­tem­ber 6. The SCOTUS gave Trump immu­ni­ty. Jack Smith reworked indict­ments after the assas­si­na­tion attempt. Don­ald Trump is still con­vict­ed of 34 felony counts that were sup­posed to be sen­tenced on Sept 18. But on Nov 26th all the states have cer­ti­fied. A win­ner has been cer­ti­fied. 
  • They know if they can get rid of Trump it is over. The deep state can get their par­ty back. 

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