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Trump Is Telling The Deep State They Will Go To Prison

  • They know they are going to prison. Some­thing will hap­pen. 
  • Kamala has only done 1 inter­view. The PA spice store was all set up. The Amer­i­can peo­ple want to feel that some­one is in charge. Peo­ple will start cast­ing their votes after the debate. Trump is cor­rect when he talks about the stu­pid peo­ple.
  • CIA direc­tor says more detailed Gaza cease­fire pro­pos­al due in days. Remem­ber we talked about this last week with Jef­frey Sachs and Tuck­er Carl­son inter­view. Why is the CIA run­ning our for­eign pol­i­cy? Trump can end the war in the mid­dle east and in Ukraine. Trump plans to imprison the cor­rup­tion? The deep state is tak­ing him seri­ous­ly. 
  • To the peo­ple that are look­ing for the real results look at what they do to the peo­ple that just ask ques­tions about the real results. If Trump wins, the hon­est good law enforce­ment across this coun­try know they don’t have the sup­port that they need in the Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion. Trump is say­ing to them that he will give them sup­port but they will need to do their jobs in going after the cor­rup­tion. 

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