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The People Go Under Government Control If Trump Doesn’t Win

  • There is a law­suit for Brad Raf­fensperg­er to fol­low the law. 
  • Trump threat­ens to jail Kamala’s donors. They are in total fear this morn­ing. Trump said on day one he would have the reviews on his desk to start sign­ing par­dons. You will see on Jan 18th Joe Biden will par­don his son. He will write blan­ket par­dons. Wait until you see Biden’s par­dons. 
  • Your free­dom is on the line. If Trump los­es Novem­ber his trails will spring to life. If Trump wins he will start arrest­ing the cheaters, the largest arrests this coun­try has ever seen. Looks like the peo­ple that Trump is sur­round­ing him­self with are restor­ing the repub­lic. Trump goes to prison and we go under gov­ern­ment con­trol if Trump doesn’t win. 
  • Tomor­row will be the debate. The pregame is going on. Trump is in his 7th pres­i­den­tial debate, he doesn’t have debate prep. Kamala has to pull off that she could be com­man­der in chief. Right now the coun­try is being run by a com­mit­tee, and they need to know that she will be able to make the deci­sion. She has to try to tell the peo­ple that she was there but Joe wouldn’t let her do any­thing. She will have to pull off that she will be new. Kamala has a lot of expec­ta­tions. Trump has to allow her to open up. The issues will be on child care, abor­tion, tar­iffs, they will cov­er for her.

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