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Has Georgia Ever Elected A True Republican?

  • Has GA ever elect­ed a true repub­li­can? GA has to be the most cor­rupt state in the coun­try. In GA they paint the illu­sion of moral­i­ty and ethics. As long as you yell Go Dawgs on Sat­ur­day all is for­got­ten.  WE take a demo­c­rat and turn him repub­li­can that has been brought up on ethics charges and make him gov­er­nor. 
  • Bipar­ti­san group of for­mer GA elect­ed offi­cials vouch for the integri­ty of the state’s elec­tion sys­tem. Why doesn’t Josh McK­oon have a state­ment out today. Brad Carv­er who was there in the room, and chair of the GA GOP elec­tion task force put out a state­ment with Josh McK­oon with a push back. 
  • Until the GA GOP opens the books and stops hid­ing the doc­u­ments, no mon­ey should be giv­en to the GOP. 

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