Home / National / Is It True The Haitian Migrants Eating Pets In Springfield OH?

Is It True The Haitian Migrants Eating Pets In Springfield OH?

  • Tonight is the debate. 
  • There is a lot of noise com­ing out of Spring­field OH. Every­thing is true. 
  • Bipar­ti­san group of for­mer GA elect­ed offi­cials vouch for the integri­ty of the state’s elec­tion sys­tem. The influ­en­tial elect­ed offi­cials stressed the impor­tance of elec­tion integri­ty. The com­ments that David Cross made to the group. 
  • In the debate, abc is in the tank. It was a for­mer abc pro­duc­er that did the j6 select com­mit­tee hear­ings. Watch the split screen. When they did the pre­vi­ous debate it was all set up to get rid of Biden. Tonight Trump has to look old, sound deranged. There will be some light­ing issues. They are doing pregame all day. 
  • Spring­field OH. OH police have no cred­i­ble reports of Hait­ian immi­grants harm­ing pets, con­tra­dict­ing JD Vance’s claim. JD raised alarms months ago. Every com­mu­ni­ty has a local group on face­book to report what is hap­pen­ing in the com­mu­ni­ty. MSNBC hates a face­book group, cha­t­rooms, twit­ter any­where cit­i­zens express a free­dom of thought. This is hap­pen­ing all over the coun­try. Spring­field OH is in your neck of the woods. They are so upset this morn­ing. Auro­ra CO, they don’t want you to say Auro­ra. You can say Den­ver, NYC, Detroit, ATL, Chica­go because that’s not in the burbs. Say­ing Auro­ra means that it could be mov­ing out of the metro. They have to push back. 
  • All across this coun­try law enforce­ment is put in the mid­dle. Who is pro­tect­ing the aver­age cit­i­zen. Where did the bil­lion dol­lars go for Haiti after the 2008 earth­quake? If any media out­let tells you it’s false, you know it is true.

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