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Trump Told You To Go Look At Springfield And Aurora

  • In GA you will have names on the bal­lot that will include dis­qual­i­fied can­di­dates. The judge has said no but the sec­re­tary of state will have them on your bal­lot and if you vote for them you will lose your vote. 
  • They are bent out of shape from the dog eat­ing reports. Most may­ors have no clue what is going on. This is hap­pen­ing all over the coun­try. Spring­field OH has 55K peo­ple and they dropped 20K Haitians into the com­mu­ni­ty. The peo­ple know what is hap­pen­ing. Kamala is say­ing that 150K Haitians have Tem­po­rary Pro­tec­tive Sta­tus = Mon­ey. Where did the 130K oth­ers get dropped. The peo­ple are ter­ri­fied. The may­or, city man­ag­er, and the gov­er­nor are lying to you. Do you real­ize how much mon­ey was pumped into their pock­ets from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment TPS. This is why they are all bent out of shape. 
  • They want to tell you how many are googling Tay­lor Swift… but they won’t tell you the google search for Spring­field. Trump told you to go look at Spring­field and Auro­ra. Kamala let 25M in and what is she doing about it? Remem­ber Don­ald Trump said he was going to send Kamala a MAGA hat. Joe put on a MAGA hat yes­ter­day. Trump told the truth about every­thing the oth­er day. 
  • Haitians are not the only ones that have Tem­po­rary Pro­tec­tive Sta­tus. They have tak­en hotels, schools and turned them into very nice units and giv­en them mon­ey and health­care while Amer­i­cans are sleep­ing on the streets. 
  • The City Man­ag­er from Spring­field read the hostage note. 
  • It’s all across Amer­i­ca, the city coun­cils are just sit­ting there. The Venezue­lan gang invad­ed a Col­orado sub­urb. Reports are that these same gangs are in GA. The gangs are real. They are eat­ing the pets. They have TPS. 
  • Don­ald Trump is lis­ten­ing to the peo­ple. Car­tels are oper­at­ing all across the coun­try. Gangs Haitians are here. Kamala is laugh­ing in our face. The nor­mal every­day life we want to live with our kids, neigh­bors. They are gone. 
  • Doanld Trump gave you a warn­ing of what will hap­pen. Kamala is a Marx­ist. Kamala went 3 days before Putin crossed into Ukraine. They kept ask­ing Trump, “Do you want Ukraine to win?” Trump wants the killing to end, the wars to end. They glossed over Kamala laugh­ing at you WW3 is here. Why didn’t the mod­er­a­tors look at Kamala in that she was the last one in the room. They didn’t ques­tion her at all. We left bil­lions of dol­lars of weapons over there. No ques­tion to Kamala. Trump said they want to start WW3 all they can talk about is the debate. All our weapons are over there. There is talk about an esca­la­tion that would prompt Rus­sia into an attack. Will that be the red­line, Rus­sia will not lose. If we keep push­ing Putin and he decides to attack there is noth­ing that will pro­tect our chil­dren. What are we doing in stop­ping WW3? The esca­la­tion could pro­voke an attack on a NATO coun­try. 

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