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Did MTG Tell MSNBC That Laura Was On Trump Force One?

  • Lau­ra Loomer has trav­eled with Don­ald Trump. With her being on the plane with Don­ald Trump, it may have been leaked by MTG. MTG is angry that she is not VP, rid­ing around with Trump, she uses her dis­trict as a cash reg­is­ter. She has nev­er done any­thing for her dis­trict. 
  • Lau­ra Loomer puts out a tweet about if Kamala wins the White House. The oth­er night they pushed that Trump won­dered when she turned black. Kamala Har­ris’ moth­er is from India. Why did MTG even touch the tweet from Loomer? We know they don’t like each oth­er. You think MTG was try­ing to get Loomer kicked off the plane? MTG and Loomer tweet­ed back and forth. MTG has raised mon­ey to free the j6ers. For MTG to come to your event you have to buy large amounts of her books. MTG is a grifter. MTG will not call out Bri­an Kemp or any of them here in GA. 
  • MTG will spend mon­ey to buy media hits on peo­ple. All of these web­sites will grab a sto­ry with mon­ey behind it. 
  • Why would the net­works do a Lau­ra Loomer seg­ment?  How would they get the extra nugget that Lau­ra Loomer was on the plane with Trump. 
  • Why is MTG work­ing with democ­rats to attack Trump allies 50 days out from the elec­tion? She uses her dis­trict for a cash reg­is­ter. Did MTG tell MSNBC that Lau­ra was on the plane? 

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