Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel September 13, 2024

All Star Political Panel September 13, 2024

Today it is very clear that Trump won the debate and Trump has told the Amer­i­can peo­ple the truth and some stark warn­ings. Tune in to BKP Pol­i­tics week­days at 8am on voiceofruralamerica.com


  • Today it is very clear that Trump won and Trump told the Amer­i­can peo­ple the truth. Kamala was nev­er put on the stop about any of her com­ments. She want­ed to tell the young peo­ple that she was going to buy them a house. With­out any push back. 
  • Trump gave the Amer­i­can peo­ple some very seri­ous warn­ings. We need to heed the warn­ings Trump gave us. 
  • The debate wasn’t real. The mod­er­a­tors gave them the ques­tions. Every­thing was staged. Reports 24 hours after debate Kamala raised $47m from 600k donors. Every­thing they tell you is a lie. 
  • The debate hap­pened on Sept 10. And they had to know about J6 and noth­ing about 9–11. Sad­ly 9–11 was an inside job, cer­tain peo­ple knew what was going to hap­pen. You need to be scared to death that Dick Chaney was VP on the day the plane flew into the tow­ers and he has just endorsed Kamala Har­ris. They can’t have Trump open the books. 
  • We had the DOJ come out to say that they found $11m from Rus­sia to a cou­ple of con­ser­v­a­tive pod­cast­ers and the Act­Blue is on the up and up? 
  • Greenville NC ral­ly and they said she had 17k peo­ple there. The machine is try­ing to take down Mark Robin­son. He is a man of God and wants to get the gov­ern­ment out of their lives. But Trump is right, they bus them in. 
  • If Putin decides to send over a nuke, there isn’t an afford­able care act that will keep your kids safe. Notice all the war­mon­gers are not talk­ing about nuclear war. Trump is telling you that WW3 is on their way. But Kamala is telling you to vote for her for insur­ance and she will buy you a house. 
  • Trump is telling the truth. Kamala is laugh­ing at you. The net­work is upset by the news about the Haitians eat­ing the pets. They have allowed 25–50 mil­lion ille­gals in Amer­i­ca. They are ruin­ing your schools and your hos­pi­tals. ABC and the net­works only believe the gov­ern­ment, not the peo­ple on the streets. They are get­ting cards with mon­ey and they can’t dri­ve. Giv­ing them a driver’s license and the reg­is­tra­tion to vote. 
  • The nar­ra­tive this morn­ing is for Repub­li­cans to give up and save the par­ty. Kamala is brag­ging about Dick Chaney. Ronald Rea­gan would be so angry with us for not reduc­ing the nukes. And we are close to nuclear war. 
  • Gov­ern­ment shut­down. Just in time for Octo­ber. Who set this one up? You can take MTG and Kevin McCarthy for this. They put the open check­book by lift­ing the debt ceil­ing. Why didn’t MTG come out about the rigged debate? MTG is a demo­c­rat plant, why would she start the fight on Lau­ra Loomer allow­ing the RINOs to attack Trump. 
  • Blinken in Ukraine and Biden is to meet with the PM today to give the green light to use our weapons into Rus­sia after Putin gave the warn­ing not to yes­ter­day. 
  • Rock­et­man North Korea is doing a tour of his Ura­ni­um Enrich­ment Facil­i­ty. They are sup­ply­ing Rus­sia with weapons. 
  • Repub­li­can law­suit ties to stop new GA elec­tion rules. This is for all peo­ple that want to vote. They don’t want elec­tion offi­cials to look at any­thing. They don’t want these rules in place. If they rigged a debate you don’t think they will rig the elec­tion again. They used the debate to try to shut down his cam­paign. They are doing all they can to stop Trump. 



  • Whistle­blow­er is com­ing out to say that Kamala was not going to be fact checked and Kamala received the ques­tions before­hand. 
  • Spring­field OH there are reports of about 30k Haitians in the com­mu­ni­ty. There are groups that are buy­ing homes and they are turn­ing into dorms for the Haitians. The car acci­dents that are hap­pen­ing are going to increase insur­ances across the coun­try. When Trump said there are cities and towns too embar­rassed to talk about what is hap­pen­ing. The peo­ple on the ground know he is right. The googling of Spring­field OH is off the chart. 
  • They had to rein­tro­duce Kamala. ABC played a part to try to get the Amer­i­can peo­ple to believe that she hasn’t been the VP the last 3 years. 
  • Kamala is a Marx­ist and Walz is a com­mu­nist. Walz has been groomed by Chi­na and she was told to select Tim Walz. They are a cog in the machine. Could you real­ly see Kamala Har­ris talk­ing to Putin and the. Walz runs in say­ing he is cook­ing cook­ies. 
  • There are peo­ple that get ner­vous when you say Deep State. But there are peo­ple that are ques­tion­ing who is run­ning the place. Trump may not have won the media spin but peo­ple are ques­tion­ing the warn­ings that Trump brought up. 
  • The gov­ern­ment is tak­ing care of the ille­gals and com­plete­ly neglect­ing the cit­i­zens of this coun­ty. Kick­ing out the res­i­dences of these extend­ed stay hotels and putting ille­gals inside. 


Seg 3

  • Is it too late to turn the par­ty around? Trump is sur­round­ed by RFK, Tuck­er, Lau­ra Loomer, Tul­si Gab­bard who real­ly want to restore Amer­i­ca. Is a new par­ty emerg­ing? 
  • Inter­est on our debt has reached 1 tril­lion
  • They cre­ate the illu­sion that Bide­nomics is work­ing. The illu­sion is work­ing before the elec­tion. The Fed has not got­ten their 2% for 42 months. The media is spin­ning that infla­tion is cool­ing and the fed drop­ping rates a quar­ter per­cent. 
  • Win­ners and losers

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