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In Georgia, We Talked About The Democracy Defense Project

  • Not Tup­per­ware! Tup­per­ware in trou­ble. Remem­ber the tup­per­ware par­ties. 
  • Hillary Clin­ton wants to jail Amer­i­cans for mis­in­for­ma­tion… let’s start with her. Isn’t it inter­est­ing that Did­dy was arrest­ed. 
  • In Geor­gia, we talked about the Democ­ra­cy Defense Project. They have to shift gears. They know how they stole the 2020 elec­tion. They can’t return to the scene of the crime. They can’t have Joe Biden be the leader. They can’t get you to believe cer­tain things again. They have to do some­thing in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion to build con­fi­dence. Why build con­fi­dence? Because of 2020 or elec­tion con­fi­dence. If Kamala comes up the vic­tor and it is with­in the mar­gin of steal, the con­fi­dence in the sys­tem may get you to believe it hap­pened. It will be an illu­sion, cre­at­ing the illu­sion that peo­ple don’t want Don­ald Trump. This is what it is all about cre­at­ing the illu­sion that there is con­fi­dence in elec­tions. But we know the truth of what hap­pened in 2020. Keep in mind that if they can get inde­pen­dent vot­ers to have con­fi­dence in your sys­tem. You put togeth­er bipar­ti­san efforts and get repub­li­cans to push back against oth­er repub­li­cans. We have ter­ri­ble rep­re­sen­ta­tion on the repub­li­can side to do what is nec­es­sary to have the con­fi­dence in the elec­tion. 
  • Remem­ber after the con­ven­tion there are 200 repub­li­cans that are against Trump. 
  • Now we have the democ­ra­cy defense project. They are set up in AZ, GA, MI, NE, NH, OH, PA, WI. On the board in GA we have Sax­by Cham­b­liss, Roy Barnes, Nathan Deal, and Shirley Franklin. 
  • Nathan Deal resigns from office 29 days before the offi­cial release of the ethics report. He was going to be brought up on charges in Con­gress but since he resigned he was no longer sub­ject to the juris­dic­tion of Con­gress. His fam­i­ly’s auto sal­vage yard was mak­ing $$$ from Nathan Deal’s activ­i­ties in Con­gress. He has been involved in shady activ­i­ties. The peo­ple in GA took out bonds to cov­er the mas­sive judi­cial cen­ter in Atlanta across from the Capi­tol build­ing, see if Nathan Deal’s name is on it. We then reward­ed him with 8 years as gov­er­nor. Kemp was brought right along. 
  • Roy Barnes heck­led David Cross and told David that he is part of the prob­lem. 
  • Repub­li­can crit­i­cism of the GA Elec­tion Board grows over new rules. We need to drain the main­stream repub­li­cans. A grow­ing num­ber of main­stream repub­li­cans are join­ing democ­rats in push­ing back against the SEB vot­ing poli­cies that are favored by Don­ald Trump. 2 repub­li­cans filed a law­suit to block the new rules. For­mer Gov Nathan Deal agreed with For­mer Gov Roy Barnes when he said pro­posed rule changes this close to an elec­tion are destroy­ing con­fi­dence in the sys­tem. Now Roy Barnes, Fani Willis’ attor­ney, who is run­ning for office and has an oppo­nent. David Cross looked at all the peo­ple on the pan­el telling them they don’t have the qual­i­fi­ca­tion to make the deter­mi­na­tions. They aren’t data analy­sis and haven’t attend­ed the SEB meet­ings or press con­fer­ences. They have not received any of the evi­dence. But they are sold to you that you and I are destroy­ing the sys­tem .
  • A new con­ser­v­a­tive orga­ni­za­tion called Right Count led by Eric JOhn­son (once the top repub­li­can in the GA sen­ate) is launch­ing a series of ads includ­ing one fea­tur­ing every­day GA express­ing their faith in the state’s vot­ing sys­tem. To encour­age peo­ple to have integri­ty in our elec­tions in GA. Brad Raf­fensperg­er admit­ted to dou­ble scan­ning of bal­lots. But the lady watched, and what about the guy talk­ing about clean­ing the vot­er rolls and Ful­ton Coun­ty has admit­ted that they have nev­er cleaned the vot­er rolls. There are 400,000 invalid vot­er reg­is­tra­tions, Jason Fraiz­er law­suit, against Brad Raf­fensperg­er who has Marc Elias back­ing him. Eric John­son the chair of Right Count in GA — project direc­tor for Hyundai EV plant… I won­der if this has Kemp’s fin­ger prints on it. Won­der if Kemp has any mon­ey into Right Count? Eric John­son work­ing with Brad Raf­fensperg­er to build the integri­ty of GA elec­tions. 

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