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Donald Trump Is Going To Springfield OH and Aurora CO

  • Trump is going to Spring­field OH and Auro­ra CO. Spring­field and Auro­ra are the entire coun­ty. When Trump says some­thing you have to look at how much the media runs their defense tac­tic against Trump. We have had 2 assas­si­na­tion attempts on Trump and noth­ing in the media about it. 
  • New Whistle­blow­er on the newest attempt. The Secret Ser­vice appar­ent­ly failed to account for known vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties at Trump’s golf course. Remem­ber in But­ler PA the shoot­er was able to get a shot off the roof that should have been under sur­veil­lance by the Secret Ser­vice. Both areas the shoot­ers have been found are in areas that should be with­in the soft areas, the known vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, where some­one could get into to get a shot. Why did they allow the attempts to hap­pen in But­ler and West Palm Beach? What will they allow next? USSS Act­ing Direc­tor Rowe says he is going to switch from reac­tive to proac­tive. 
  • Auro­ra Police offer help to apart­ment com­plex­es amid Venezue­lan gang issues. The apart­ment com­plex has refused. 

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