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The Winds Of Change Are Up Against The Forces Of Evil

  • The winds of change. We the peo­ple are ris­ing up. Our coun­try is expe­ri­enc­ing the birth pains of civ­il war. The only way to avoid civ­il war is for Don­ald Trump to be elect­ed and fol­low through with all his many promis­es. The winds of change are up against the forces of evil and will result in the civ­il war. We David slung the stone against the giant, the Goli­ah. Truth to pow­er. David Cross had zero sup­port in the room at the Atlanta Press Club even though there were peo­ple that should have been on his side. David Cross talked to the pow­er. The Evil are well-dressed peo­ple of influ­ence, giv­ing the impres­sion of high stan­dards and morals. The dev­il is a sly fox under the suit and tie. Nathan Deal and Roy Barnes are play­ing with evil. 
  • PA Luzerne coun­ty will remove mail-in drop box­es for the Nov 5 elec­tion. The media is brag­ging about the polling. Har­ris is nar­row­ing the gap. No one is report­ing not using the drop box­es in PA. Luzerne Coun­ty is Wilkes-Barre. Kamala was there 6 days ago. The coun­ty elec­tion board has vot­ed no drop box­es. Every coun­ty in PA is an indi­vid­ual elec­tion and does not sit com­plete­ly under the sec­re­tary of state’s office like Geor­gia. Geor­gia cod­i­fied drop box­es in our law. PA coun­ties can choose their vot­ing sys­tem. In Geor­gia every coun­ty has to have the same vot­ing sys­tem. Bal­lot har­vest­ing has already start­ed. Luzerne is north of Philly and should be a strong Trump area. They should bring off­set­ting votes, the vote can be strong enough to pre­vent the steal in Philly and Pitts­burgh. Lehigh Val­ley and Northamp­ton coun­ty need to come in for Trump in PA to stop the steal. Right now the polling is show­ing Har­ris is win­ning in these coun­ties. In 2016 Trump vot­ers over­whelmed the sys­tem and sur­prised the Deep State. In most states you had to request a bal­lot and had to have a rea­son for the bal­lot. Drop box­es were not around in 2020. In 2020 the deep state fixed the elec­tion by send­ing every­one an absen­tee bal­lot and installing drop box­es. In 2024 the ground game is not there. The Trump cam­paign has out­sourced the ground game. 
  • We are the winds of change, we are watch­ing every move they make. When was the last time you noticed as much talk by the media dis­cred­it­ing the truth as they have Spring­field OH. 

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