Home / Georgia / Stacey Abrams Political Ad Telling People To Call Kemp To Remove MAGA Extremist

Stacey Abrams Political Ad Telling People To Call Kemp To Remove MAGA Extremist

  • Liz Chaney is telling TX vot­ers that you can’t trust Ted Cruz. 
  • Fair Fight is Stacey Abrams. She is telling peo­ple to call Kemp to remove the MAGA extrem­ist? Why would she think he would do this? 
  • A bipar­ti­san com­mit­tee has been formed to stop con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists like BKP. Led by Roy Barnes, a pow­er­ful lawyer and 2 term gov­er­nor of GA and led coun­sel for Fani Willis. Bri­an Kemp could have shut down Fani Willis. Bri­an Kemp is at the top of the cir­cle. It could be han­dled. The Atlanta Press Club had an event up on stage is the com­mit­tee and AJC’s Greg Bluestein, and a room full of lib­er­als. They laugh at us? What David Cross is doing is point­ing out the entire pan­el doesn’t have any analy­sis back­ground or elec­tion back­ground and none of the pan­elists have been to any of the elec­tion board meet­ings. David Cross tries to make a note that there were 51 for­mer spies who try to lend their cred­i­bil­i­ty to say that Hunter Biden lap­top was dis­in­for­ma­tion and point out that why would these peo­ple sign on when the data is show­ing the elec­tion was stolen. Roy Barnes say­ing David Cross is part of the prob­lem.  Roy Barnes closed and made you and I a laugh­ing mat­ter. Brad Carv­er was in the room who is the chair­man of the elec­tion integri­ty task force. Where is Brad’s tweet? We all know the data and the cor­rup­tion in the elec­tion? 
  • Patri­cia Mur­phy should only write under the opin­ion sec­tion. This has noth­ing to do with women that do not have chil­dren. VP Har­ris doesn’t know any­thing about fetal tis­sue being removed from the uterus because she doesn’t have chil­dren. But this self pro­claimed black woman should come out to say we need to stop the black men from dying at the Ful­ton Coun­ty jail. She doesn’t under­stand chil­dren and how you feel about your chil­dren. 
  • It is all about the Cre­ator and they can’t alter the cre­ation. 

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