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When Was The Last Time You Heard The Debt Ceiling

  • When was the last time you heard the debt ceil­ing and we have to raise the debt ceil­ing. Under the Joe Biden admin­is­tra­tion why do we have these fund­ing deals that are set up at strate­gic times. And there is no dis­cus­sion of the debt ceil­ing. The media is telling you we can’t risk the gov­ern­ment shut­ting down. You can’t do the 12 appro­pri­a­tion bills until you kick the lid off the debt. 
  • Last week, the attack on Lau­ra Loomer was all set up by MTG. It was all week long, all the media, all the mag­a­zines. They knew she was get­ting off the plane. Lau­ra Loomer is where repub­li­cans draw the line. The far-right con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist is a unique lia­bil­i­ty for Don­ald Trump. The per­son that set this in motion is MTG. She knew when she went off on Lau­ra she would roll that ball down hill, why to take the eyes off some things. 
  • This was last year. Greene lean­ing toward yes on s- sand­wich debt bill. She will be includ­ed to vote yes to sup­port the bipar­ti­san debt ceil­ing. She vot­ed with Kevin McCarthy to knock the lid off the debt ceil­ing. She is involved with this spend­ing. What Mar­jorie did was make the spend­ing unlim­it­ed for Joe Biden and strate­gi­cal­ly put the spend­ing in lit­tle blocks to come up at strate­gic times. 
  • MTG is busy going after Lau­ra Loomer. MTG has been kicked out of the Free­dom Cau­cus. 
  • We did not get the 12 appro­pri­a­tion bills, we are get­ting anoth­er omnibus in Octo­ber. Why do we have a fund­ing pack­age due in Octo­ber 5 weeks before an elec­tion? Were we set up? 

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