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Red Flag Laws Are Designed To Prevent Something

  • Hezbol­lah vows retal­i­a­tion for pager explo­sions. 100s of blasts in lebanon. 9 killed and 2800 wound­ed. A Tai­wa­nees com­pa­ny’s Euro­pean dis­trib­u­tor made pages and had rights to the brand. 
  • Red flag laws designed to pre­vent some­thing. They want to put red flag laws in all across the coun­try, through men­tal health and the need for more men­tal health facil­i­ties and access. Then Kamala wants to take assault weapons, semi auto­mat­ic mag­a­zines. They want to take these guns from you, they want to give you men­tal health access, so if you have guns in the house they want to take your kids from you. To stop you and pre­vent you from doing some­thing bad one day. The FBI have peo­ple on the watch­lists. The FBI checks and bal­ances in spy­ing on Amer­i­can peo­ple. Their pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures nev­er seem to work but they will work on you. The assas­si­na­tion attempt guy was on their radar. 
  • Spring­field OH stu­dents return to class amid threats over false claims about Haitians eat­ing fam­i­ly pets. Noth­ing about the assas­si­na­tion attempt yes­ter­day first is the Spring­field OH deny­ing. OH Gov DeWine ® does not like Trump, but we have to trust the gov­ern­ment not the peo­ple and the call reports. The media is not talk­ing to any of these peo­ple. 
  • When Don­ald Trump says some­thing to mea­sure the explo­sion of the media, Spring­field was a 10+ and it is still being talked about, he has got­ten 8–9 days out of it. The truth will then start com­ing out and peo­ple will see it. 21M-50M peo­ple have come into our coun­try. They have dumped 20K into the small town Spring­field OH. What about my town? The pro­vi­sions that have to be put in place to fight the car­tels and crime. Ille­gals are com­plete­ly replac­ing com­plete cities/states across the coun­try. ESL teach­ers being hired in com­mu­ni­ties to teach these ille­gals, paid by the tax­pay­ers. Hos­pi­tals are col­laps­ing and they have to have trans­la­tors. They can’t dri­ve and will raise your insur­ance because of the acci­dents. 
  • 25M walk­ing across the bor­der and get­ting a dri­ver’s license. PA Motor vot­er sys­tem will be audit­ed for nonci­t­i­zen vot­ers. There is a bill today going to the floor that will be vot­ed on that will not allow ille­gals to vote, and it will fail. Go look at the law enforce­ment bud­get for Spring­field OH. They want to tell you about the ser­vices they pro­vide, the rea­son for the increase in bud­get. 
  • Ari­zona incor­rect­ly marked these vot­ers when they reg­is­tered to vote say­ing they have pro­vid­ed doc­u­ment­ed proof of US cit­i­zen­ship. Reg­is­ter­ing 100,000 ille­gals. 

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