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With All The Corruption In This Election. What Is Next?

  • We have a pres­i­den­tial race in Amer­i­ca and we should all be get­ting you all the infor­ma­tion so you can know who to vote for, and at no time should the media give you infor­ma­tion that would mis­lead the vot­ers. Right now we have 2 assas­si­na­tion attempts on Don­ald Trump. Trump says it will not alter his sched­ule or his cam­paign. 2 days before the repub­li­can con­ven­tion and a cou­ple of days after the first debate. Democ­rats have some­one on the bal­lot that did not receive a vote. Joe Biden received 14M. They ele­vat­ed, ascend­ed to the top spot, and the DNC told all of the del­e­gates they will sup­port the tick­et with Kamala. Kamala is run­ning for office as the installed can­di­date. She doesn’t do any inter­views. CNN asked ques­tions and she ran canned answers too. She rehearsed and brought it back out on the debate stage. This is total cor­rup­tion. 
  • Before the debate BKP talked about the split screen and the light­ing. The morn­ing after the debate, Kamala hit cues. For the most part every­thing went seam­less. ABC News has not com­ment­ed on the whistle­blow­er affi­davit. Har­ris got a small­er podi­um. Har­ris got assur­ances that the split screen would favor Kamala. Trump would get on the spot fact checked, where Kamala would not. The Trump cam­paign was not includ­ed in the nego­ti­a­tions. Har­ris got the ques­tions and was able to direct the ques­tions. 
  • We have all these cas­es with Don­ald Trump but we couldn’t ques­tion Joe Biden. They couldn’t bring charges based on the cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties of Joe. Why did Kamala come out to the media to say that Joe Biden was fine after he froze on the debate stage. Kamala has lied to the Amer­i­can peo­ple for 4 years. 
  • The cor­rup­tion in this elec­tion. What is next? 
  • Could the deep state put Joe Biden in the base­ment again? They would nev­er get the Amer­i­can peo­ple to believe Joe won again. They had to have a new can­di­date. They have to get all these states with­in the mar­gin of steal. They are fill­ing up audi­to­ri­ums, rig­ging the debate and inter­views, they are sup­press­ing any­thing that is com­ing out about Kamala. 
  • Today is nation­al vot­er reg­is­tra­tion day, as Tay­lor Swift is reg­is­ter­ing the chil­dren. 
  • Last night was the faith and free­dom coali­tion. Burt Jones was not there. Doug Collins was there, so was Steve Gooch. 
  • The assas­sin was lying in wait for 12 hours. 
  • Russ­ian mil­i­tary air­craft detect­ed off Alaskan coast for the 4th time since 9/11
  • The US Navy is about to launch a sub­ma­rine built for a mixed gen­der crew the first of its kind. 

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