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When Will The Oath Of Office Kick In And Protect President Trump

  • It is all about 2026 in GA. Why is Doug Collins back in the pic­ture? What will Kel­ly Loef­fler say? MTG has caused a lot of prob­lems. 
  • 12 hours lying in wait. Imme­di­ate­ly the media wants to come out to say Trump is the one that is caus­ing this. What about the oath of office? When will the oath of office kick in and pro­tect the for­mer Pres­i­dent. The next time he golfs there will be more peo­ple in the perime­ter, in But­ler PA it will be the next time. We have already had con­gres­sion­al hear­ings, we have had Chea­tle step down, The FBI did an inves­ti­ga­tion. We cre­at­ed a com­mit­tee, the Don’t Kill Trump Com­mit­tee??? We got 19 dif­fer­ent reports and assess­ments, that the roof was def­i­nite­ly in the area that should have been secured. This did not fall through the cracks, they are attempt­ing to kill Don­ald Trump. They can not let him in the bureau­crat­ic US, they can not stop the mon­ey flow­ing into the pock­ets of law­mak­ers from Ukraine. They can not allow him to be pres­i­dent. The only rea­son you know what you do today con­cern­ing the attempt in But­ler PA is because of cit­i­zens that have these phones. With­out the cit­i­zen reports it would all be sup­pressed. They were sup­posed to increase the USSS but what hap­pened? Don­ald Trump requires more secu­ri­ty than Kamala Har­ris and Joe Biden com­bined. MAGA is not advo­cat­ing the killing of a can­di­date. 
  • If the Amer­i­can peo­ple want to elect Don­ald Trump with­out guardrails it is their deci­sion not the cor­po­rate cor­rupt deep state. They have to do every­thing they can to stop Trump. 
  • The head of the USSS tells you this was off the record move­ment, he tells you over and over. If he is the sit­ting pres­i­dent, the local unit gets acti­vat­ed imme­di­ate­ly. The assas­sin knows Trump. If you look at the overview of the 5 and 6 hole is the best posi­tion, this is where the media takes pic­tures. He is there 12 hours in advance. He is spot­ted by the USSS, they go 1 hole before the pres­i­dent. 
  • The media wants to tell you that the assas­sin is a wacko. Ryan Routh knows that Trump was there at the Trump golf course. IT is well known that the area that Routh was at, and if you are look­ing to secure the perime­ter this is the most well known area to secure. There is a road right up to the bush­es. Wouldn’t it be the first to be secured. You keep hear­ing that these peo­ple are on the FBI radar for some time. Once the FBI has you on the radar do you become a use­ful idiot? Some­one tipped him off that Trump would be on the golf course, where the best place would be, and the escape route. But he is not talk­ing. 
  • Upcom­ing fund­ing bill.. Pack more mon­ey in. Just hang tight. Joe said that the USSS needs more help. What about Kamala say­ing that Don­ald Trump has full secu­ri­ty. We have heard clip after clip that Trump has to be stopped and can nev­er be in the White House again. 
  • What hap­pens next? When and Where? 
  • They got upset with Vance last night. No one has attempt­ed to assas­si­nate Joe Biden or Kamala Har­ris. 

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