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Trump Laid The Groundwork To Take The Newscycle From Kamala

  • Here is the good news. They are promis­ing a full inves­ti­ga­tion. DeSan­tis is going to launch a full inves­ti­ga­tion. But it is Don­ald Trump’s fault. 
  • The demo­c­rat rhetoric that Trump is a threat to the nation. 
  • We had a rigged debate. Trump won the debate, not the night of, but the week. Trump knew that he was going to ABC and she would get the ques­tions. He was not caught off guard. So Trump said some things to push the nar­ra­tive and the google search the rest of the week. Kamala comes out with the W that night. But Trump laid the ground­work to take the news­cy­cle from Kamala. No one knows where she is. 
  • The deep state cor­po­rate media is tak­ing the nar­ra­tive to attack Trump right to the point of the assas­si­na­tion attempt. MTG expos­es that Lau­ra Loomer was on the plane. MTG won’t touch any­thing in GA. 
  • Trump said 100s of thou­sands of Rus­sians are dead. WSJ says there are now 1M dead in the Russ­ian Ukraine war.

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