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Elections In Georgia: The Three Rules That Made The Headlines

  • Elec­tions in GA and the rules. There were 3 rules that made the head­lines. The way the count­ing of the bal­lots is being rolled out is not true. 
  • Zelen­sky is here and is tour­ing mil­i­tary weapons plants. 
  • Accord­ing to Greg Bluestien, the rules will gen­er­ate delays on elec­tion day, spur base­less con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries and attract a litany of law­suits. The GA elec­tion board passed a rule that could delay the results of the pres­i­den­tial race. For your research depart­ment today. 
  • At elec­tion board meet­ings they gen­er­al­ly have a signup sheet for speak­ing, on Fri­day the signup sheet was in an unusu­al place. 
  • GAVREO (Geor­gia Asso­ci­a­tion for Vot­ers Rights and Elec­tion Over­sight) says they rep­re­sent every elec­tion offi­cial in the coun­ties. Well on Fri­day they knew where the sign up sheet was and got a block to object to the rules. 
  • The rule passed 3–2, the chair­man who is Kemp appoint­ed vot­ed no with the demo­c­rat. 
  • Foun­da­tion being laid to con­test the out­come of the elec­tion. Every­time they say that Trump had a chal­lenge in the court­room and they say went nowhere. It is because the ground­work was not laid pri­or to the elec­tion. The ground­work is being laid. They have gone bal­lis­tic that elec­tion offi­cials will not sign the doc­u­ment to cer­ti­fy. 
  • Who kept push­ing the rules? Who knew that Ed Lind­sey would leave SEB and end up with David Beck­er? The three that passed the rule are being cheered on but why did it take so long. 
  • The rule doesn’t allow count­ing the results for the can­di­date. It is count­ing the pieces of paper to the num­ber of vot­ers reg­is­tered at the poll pad and the num­ber of vot­ers on the machine. 
  • The AG of GA wrote a 6 page opin­ion in oppo­si­tion to the rule changes. Any­thing the AG writes is an opin­ion. The opin­ion will be attached to all law­suits. Repub­li­cans have a law­suit. Democ­rats have law­suits. 
  • All across Amer­i­ca it took too long to ver­i­fy. So in GA we wrote a bill SB202. There must not be any delays in vote count­ing. The coun­ties count bal­lots non-stop until fin­ished or face inves­ti­ga­tion. Will there be a judge to put a stay on this elec­tion rule because it is too far into the elec­tion process because of staffing. 
  • If you think they are going to steal the elec­tion, where do you think they are going to steal it? At the mail­box maybe? 
  • There are 2 rules that could pre­vent them from steal­ing the elec­tion. Jenelle King was the #1 push back in track­ing the absen­tee bal­lots. Why did they push­back in secur­ing the elec­tion? What is more impor­tant in this elec­tion? 
  • Pro­vi­sion­al bal­lots and the absen­tee bal­lots go into the same stack. Why don’t we have an iden­ti­fi­er between the absen­tee and pro­vi­sion­al bal­lots? This rule failed. 
  • Metro Atlanta coun­ties dis­missed more than 45,000 vot­er chal­lenges since July 1. We have mail cen­ters vacant lots that are used for reg­is­tra­tions. Why was there push­back on track­ing? The track­ing could be free. We are deter­mined in the State of GA to stop the chain of cus­tody. 

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