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When Did Michael Whatley Know That Mark Robinson Was A Problem?

  • Mark Robin­son is the Lt Gov of North Car­oli­na. He is in his first term and he has cho­sen to run for gov­er­nor of NC. He is run­ning against the cur­rent AG of NC. He has nev­er run for office before and he gave a speech at the Greens­boro city coun­cil on the 2nd amend­ment. The repub­li­can par­ty always works with the deep state and media to say that they put up a bad can­di­date. He was just a black guy giv­ing a speech at the city coun­cil. 
  • Michael What­ley was the Chair­man of the North Car­oli­na Repub­li­can par­ty. At any time did Michael What­ley recruit Mark Robin­son? 
  • T or F we don’t know. When did Michael What­ley know that Mark Robin­son was a prob­lem? When did Mark get the anoint­ing from the NCGOP? None of the porn site scan­dals came out when he was LT Gov. Sources are say­ing that it was known dur­ing the Lt Gov race. Why did the democ­rats hold the sto­ry or did the RNC (What­ley) give the sto­ry to the media. It looks like the demo­c­rat was going to win any­way. Coop­er won both times with Trump on the bal­lot. NC will vote for a demo­c­rat for gov­er­nor and a repub­li­can for pres­i­dent. This was not to ben­e­fit the AG of NC to win gov­er­nor because Mark was well beyond the mar­gin of error in the polls. You have until Thurs­day night at mid­night to remove the name from the bal­lot. Thom Tillis, who hates Don­ald Trump, endorsed Mark Robinson’s oppo­nent in the pri­ma­ry. Who is doing the research for Trump and gave Trump the go for endors­ing Mark Robin­son? 
  • Except for a cou­ple of peo­ple, every­one resigns from the cam­paign. The sto­ry breaks Thurs­day. Some­one knew this. Remem­ber if Kamala wins NC she wins the white house. Trump goes to NC, no Mark Robin­son and doesn’t men­tion his name. If Robin­son drops out of the race in NC, it would sup­press the vote. And that is the goal. 
  • This is a set up and take down. 
  • The fact that Michael What­ley is from NC. 
  • Trump is the rea­son why Mark Robin­son is the can­di­date in NC. Who gave Trump the op research to endorse Robin­son? Did Trump move for­ward with Mark know­ing the infor­ma­tion? Noth­ing about this could be pos­i­tive for Trump. If Trump removes his endorse­ment, the media will run that Trump makes deci­sions based on bad infor­ma­tion. 
  • The media enjoys say­ing the Trump Abor­tion Ban, no such thing. 
  • Don’t think they are fin­ished with AZ and GA. NC is a step in the right direc­tion for the deep state. Josh Stein is the demo­c­rat AG for NC. Before this broke the polling showed he would win any­way. CNN broke the sto­ry on Thurs­day, CNN wants to do the next debate. Josh Stein doesn’t need this scan­dal. Who gave the report to CNN? This was an inter­nal take down. They must get the GOP back. 
  • NC Sen­a­tor Thom Tillis has joined oth­er repub­li­can lead­ers in voic­ing con­cerns about the for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s close rela­tion­ship with far-right provo­ca­teur Lau­ra Loomer. They want to take back the repub­li­can par­ty. They want to dis­miss us total­ly. Tillis endors­es Bill Gra­ham for NC gov­er­nor. Trump endors­es Robin­son. Is Tillis part of the take down? Tillis is say­ing to either sue CNN or get out of the race. 
  • Michael What­ley was a senior advi­sor to the Bush Chaney cam­paign. A lot of deep state back­ground. 
  • Erick Erick­son has the Gath­er­ing every year. He said that the rumor would devel­op and Trump need­ed to stay away from Robin­son. 

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