Home / National / The Amount Of Corruption In The Parties. The Party Structure Is Over.

The Amount Of Corruption In The Parties. The Party Structure Is Over.

  • The amount of cor­rup­tion in the par­ties. The par­ty struc­ture is over. 
  • The most Joe could remem­ber in a sen­tence. The US is doing every­thing we can to pre­vent a wider war. And Kamala can only remem­ber we need a cease­fire agree­ment and a hostage deal. 
  • The media is excit­ed. Poll Vault. How did this hap­pen? Where are the pieces to the puz­zle? And where does the repub­li­can par­ty fit in. The media is excit­ed and hap­py they are in the place they want to be. The media’s job was to trans­form her. The trans­for­ma­tion in black vot­ers, women and the young vote. Right before your very eyes they have tak­en a paid escort from a Marx­ist dad, and have trans­formed her. 
  • This is the truth of where we are at. You thought they could nev­er again do a Joe Biden. You thought they could nev­er hide anoth­er can­di­date like they did Joe. She is not in the base­ment, she is out and about but she is hid­den from any scruti­ny. It is hap­pen­ing again. 
  • Michael What­ley is the chair of the Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee. He was the for­mer chair of the North Car­oli­na Repub­li­can par­ty. We are hear­ing a lot about North Car­oli­na. 
  • Track­ing bal­lots failed. Jenelle King led the way for the rule to fail. Why is the nar­ra­tive that “delays on Elec­tion day” is so impor­tant? 
  • May­orkas and Christo­pher Wray. Home­land Secu­ri­ty is where the US Secret Ser­vice reports.  But­ler sher­iff said it wasn’t his respon­si­bil­i­ty. He is cor­rect. The USSS comes in and takes pri­or­i­ty. 

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