Home / Georgia / Companies Are Sending Supplies To The Region, Not The Federal Government

Companies Are Sending Supplies To The Region, Not The Federal Government

  • Don­ald Trump is not in the race for the White House and nothing/Virtually noth­ing would hap­pen. There are too many white red hat peo­ple in the region that have been impact­ed. Com­pa­nies all across the coun­try are send­ing sup­plies to the region. It is not the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Trump has been on the phone, he nev­er stops. The cajun navy is on the way to deliv­er Star­link units. The cur­rent death count is 133. There were bod­ies in trees. 
  • Kamala was on the west coast rak­ing in mon­ey.  Biden was at the beach. The media played cov­er. Trump is telling the truth. If not for Don­ald Trump they would not be doing any­thing today. AL gov Kay Ivey has deployed Nation­al Guard to NC. 
  • If they win the elec­tion. Amer­i­cans are fin­ished. They will shut the infor­ma­tion down. They have to get back to the con­trolled mes­sage. 
  • Trump says that Kamala staged a pho­to of a hur­ri­cane brief­ing. They hate Trump for telling the truth say­ing that under this admin­is­tra­tion Amer­i­cans will come last. Kamala went to FEMA yes­ter­day. They are applaud­ing her, this is the first time she is in the room. If Kamala wins they all keep their jobs. 
  • The net­works are run­ning the nar­ra­tive for Biden and Har­ris. 
  • Trump is mak­ing it hap­pen. 
  • Peo­ple are dying, peo­ple are miss­ing, they don’t have pow­er, hos­pi­tals are not staffed. Home health care providers can’t get to their patients. Hos­pi­tals are dev­as­tat­ed. Joe is at the beach house.
  • Kamala had Shapiro and Moore cam­paign­ing on her behalf in NC. Roy Coop­er, NC gov, has not vis­it­ed the region. The storm hit Fri­day. It is Tues­day and he is going today to get all the pho­tos. Biden and Har­ris didn’t change their plans either. Kamala won’t take any ques­tions from media. 
  • Franklin Gra­ham does not par­tic­i­pate in stunts. Trump is not the sit­ting pres­i­dent so they will not allow him in some areas. Mark Robin­son has been on the ground every sin­gle day. He is the LtGov and does not have equal pow­ers as the gov­er­nor. 
  • Times like this are when we see who lead­ers are. Mark Robin­son needs to be the next gov­er­nor of NC. He doesn’t care what peo­ple say he is focused on the peo­ple in need. Trump is the rea­son the com­mu­ni­ca­tion is get­ting restored. Trump is putting on the pres­sure to make things hap­pen. 
  • Roy Coop­er is going to vis­it a hos­pi­tal and a food cen­ter today with the FEMA direc­tor to get the pho­to ops. Biden is going tomor­row for the pho­to ops.

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