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Say Goodbye To Christmas

  • Long­shore­men are on strike from Hous­ton to Boston. The pres­i­dent of the long­shore­men union has a mes­sage for you and I because every­thing is import­ed. Mer­ry Christ­mas, every­thing comes off the ship. 
  • Did Kamala go from FEMA to the White House and have a come to Jesus meet­ing with Gina Raimun­do, the com­merce sec­re­tary who is in charge of ship­ping prod­ucts. But Rai­mon­do is not focused on it right now. 
  • We know that Joe is incom­pe­tent. We know no one is in charge. Kamala could actu­al­ly come out and solve the war in Ukraine. While Trump can solve it in one day, why can’t she do it? She could get tough on the Mid­dle East, solve the bor­der, solve the strike. But she can’t do any­thing. 
  • Speak­ing of christ­mas… the coun­ties that have been dev­as­tat­ed in NC some of the largest Christ­mas Tree farms are in west­ern NC.

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