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Democrats Are More Worried About Campaigning Than Americans Suffering

  • They are white peo­ple wear­ing red hats. 
  • Roy Coop­er the demo­c­rat gov­er­nor of NC is joined by the gov­er­nor of PA Josh Shapiro were cam­paign­ing on Sun­day for Josh Stein who is run­ning for gov­er­nor in NC. Don’t think they are sit­ting in a back room think­ing cha-ching. Josh Stein is the Attor­ney Gen­er­al of NC. On the last day of being able to remove your name from the bal­lot they dump this infor­ma­tion on Mark Robin­son via CNN. Every­one ran with it. The REpub­li­can Gov­er­nor Asso­ci­a­tion removed the fund­ing and repub­li­cans have removed their endorse­ments. Why does Josh Stein need to go to west­ern NC, his vot­ers are not out there. Josh Shaprio is jew­ish and the for­mer AG of PA and now the gov­er­nor of PA.. hmmm. Josh Stein is jew­ish and the cur­rent AG of NC. West­ern NC has to come in enor­mous num­bers for Trump to over­come the demo­c­rat areas of the state for Trump to win NC. The gov­er­nor of Mary­land (Moore) is com­ing to the cam­paign trail in NC. They are cam­paign­ing for Josh Stein and Kamala Har­ris. 
  • Kamala Har­ris goes to San Fran and rakes in $55M just this week­end. This cam­paign may raise close to a Tril­lion dol­lars. She is out there in the city that she destroyed. 
  • Trump says we need a day where we round up all these evil peo­ple. 
  • Kamala has to look busy. While Shapiro and Moore lay the ground­work for her to cam­paign in NC. 
  • She is the one that has allowed mur­der­ers to come into this coun­try at record pace. Allowed woman and chil­dren raped. Allowed crim­i­nals to cross our bor­der. 
  • All cam­paign events should be cut off from the state to pre­vent them turn­ing the dev­as­ta­tion into cam­paign events. There are miss­ing per­sons all over the region. While the net­works are lead­ing with the attacks on Hezbol­lah… and there are small sound bites on Amer­i­cans suf­fer­ing. How Jew­ish are these net­works? Our net­works that should be help­ing with our peo­ple are more inter­est­ed in what is hap­pen­ing in Dam­as­cus? 
  • White peo­ple in red hats, this is what they will do if Trump does not win on a larg­er scale. Nurs­ing homes have been wiped out. 
  • Don’t be in fear of these peo­ple. NC needs to vote for Mark Robin­son. Trump needs to go there and tell peo­ple to vote for Mark. These democ­rats don’t care about the peo­ple that have been dev­as­tat­ed. 
  • Mark Robin­son is on the ground in west­ern NC. It is a major cri­sis sit­u­a­tion. Roy Coop­er is out of office in a cou­ple of months. He is push­ing paper to get help. 
  • Where has Kamala been for the last 3.5 years? If you think she can han­dle any cri­sis WW3, bor­der, hur­ri­cane and you think she will be pres­i­dent for all peo­ple.

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