Home / National / The Massive Devastation In Appalachian Mountains From Hurricane Helene

The Massive Devastation In Appalachian Mountains From Hurricane Helene

  • The prob­lem is that there are no hos­pi­tals that are oper­a­tional in the dev­as­tat­ed areas from Hur­ri­cane Helene. The peo­ple are suf­fer­ing, drown­ing, no water, pow­er, gas. And Kamala is in San Fran­cis­co at a fundrais­er. 
  • Ingles is from Asheville, North Car­oli­na. Oth­er food chains in west­ern NC that will affect the region. Ingles can only take cash. Their ware­house has been dev­as­tat­ed. 
  • The top sto­ry on all the net­works is Hezbal­ah and the strikes in the Mid­dle East. 
  • Noth­ing on the dev­as­ta­tion of the storm. An entire region of the coun­try was com­plete­ly whipped away. The gov­er­nor of NC gives press con­fer­ences in nice areas, he is not on the ground. Ron DeSan­tis is out there on the ground, Bri­an Kemp is on the ground sur­vey­ing the areas. The region is very red and very com­pet­i­tive states. 
  • NC Nation­al Guard report­ing to con­sid­er the north car­oli­na roads are closed. Only emer­gency vehi­cles. There are areas that are only acces­si­ble via heli­copter. There are thou­sands of peo­ple that can not be locat­ed. They are say­ing 30 dead but it will be hun­dreds dead. 
  • We have mil­i­tary forces that could be dis­patched. We have pre­pared world wide to respond to the mid­dle east, and nuclear war. We have pre­pared for every­where in the world but where is the prepa­ra­tion for us, We The Peo­ple? Get­ting our peo­ple to safe­ty? This is not loot­ing for a TV… this is for sur­vival. There is no pow­er, no water, no gas, no hos­pi­tals, no food in these areas. 

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