Home / Opinion / Kamala Harris — A Fake, Fraud and an Abuse of the Political System

Kamala Harris — A Fake, Fraud and an Abuse of the Political System


The evi­dence is build­ing. It’s always been there but since her anoint­ment by Pelosi, Schumer and Oba­ma, the media is inad­ver­tent­ly mak­ing it obvi­ous that Kamala Har­ris is a fake whose only role for the Nation­al Social­ist Demo­c­rat Vic­tims Par­ty (NSDVP), is to become a pres­i­den­tial fig­ure­head for vic­tims every­where. That’s all she is capa­ble of doing, being there and do what she’s told to do. Unable to bank on her intel­lec­tu­al prowess, her inabil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate the Marx­ist polices they are deter­mined to inflict on Amer­i­ca with­out mak­ing them sound like the com­plete non­sense they are. Her lack of for­eign pol­i­cy skills vis a vis what’s best for Amer­i­ca and not best for rad­i­cal islamists, clear­ly point out her rad­i­cal­ism.

The cam­paign is on so media boasts about the large crowds at her ral­ly’s but fail to tell us the crowds weren’t there to see Kamala, but some adver­tised musi­cal per­son­al­i­ty instead, like Bey­once or Tay­lor Swift. Some­body in Har­ris’s cam­paign staff did­n’t tell Bey­once because she was­n’t there at a Har­ris ral­ly. When a pop­u­lar enter­tain­er puts on a show, draw­ing the crowds need­ed, at the con­clu­sion comes Kamala Har­ris strid­ing on stage to cack­le before say­ing a few talk­ing points about why Don­ald Trump is so bad for Amer­i­ca. She can­not draw a crowd on her own ini­tia­tive. The real­i­ty is she is uni­ver­sal­ly hat­ed and with­out faked assem­blies, she would have no crows present at all.

The media can’t hide the admin­is­tra­tive chaos going on with­in Kamala’s close cam­paign orga­ni­za­tion. It is alleged she berates staffers, most of whom soon quit, blames them for fail­ing to keep her informed but when they do pro­vid­ed her with brief­ing books, she fails or refus­es to read them. Noth­ing is more ini­tia­tive dead­en­ing for staffers than to be ignored or yelled at for fail­ing to do their jobs, when the blame lies on her­self. As I under­stand the var­i­ous snip­pets being leaked from with­in her cam­paign, Kamala Har­ris is an odi­ous per­son against who all unite in speak­ing ill.  I think the NSDVP faces a seri­ous prob­lem with Kamala Har­ris. They have vowed that under no cir­cum­stances will they allow Don­ald Trump to regain the pres­i­den­cy. From 2016 right up to today, they have made every effort pos­si­ble to keep him from becom­ing pres­i­dent again and that includes a failed assas­si­na­tion attempt.

Amer­i­cans must real­ize, before it’s too late, that Amer­i­c­as old Demo­c­rat par­ty no longer exists. Kamala Har­ris’s pres­ence as their pres­i­den­tial can­di­date is proof of that. Bob­by F. Kennedy Jr. real­ized that in Octo­ber 2023 when he aban­doned his for­ev­er role as a staunch Demo­c­rat like his father and uncles were, to join forces with Don­ald Trump. Note that he did­n’t become a Repub­li­can but a Trump fol­low­er since Don­ald Trump is the Repub­li­can Par­ty. In his own words, Bob­by F. Kennedy Jr. said: “I began this jour­ney as a Demo­c­rat. The par­ty of my father and my uncle, the par­ty which I pledged my own alle­giance to long before I was old enough to vote. I attend­ed my first Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­ven­tion at the age of six, in 1960. And back then, the Democ­rats were the cham­pi­ons of the Con­sti­tu­tion and of civ­il rights. The Democ­rats stood against author­i­tar­i­an­ism, against cen­sor­ship, against colo­nial­ism, against impe­ri­al­ism, and against unjust wars. We were the par­ty of labor, of the work­ing class. The Democ­rats were the par­ty of gov­ern­ment trans­paren­cy and the cham­pi­on of the envi­ron­ment. Our par­ty was the bul­wark against big mon­ey inter­ests and cor­po­rate pow­er. True to its name, it was the par­ty of democ­ra­cy. As you know, I left that par­ty in Octo­ber because it had depart­ed so dra­mat­i­cal­ly from the core val­ues that I grew up with. It had become the par­ty of war, cen­sor­ship, cor­rup­tion, big phar­ma, big tech, big AG, and big mon­ey.”

That is a full con­dem­na­tion of the new NSDVP, a polit­i­cal cause with­out a hint of Amer­i­can­ism in their polices. Their attempt to assas­si­nate Trump left them exposed and they can’t hide it. Their mes­sage must be obfus­cat­ed by chang­ing the words and mean­ings to expand the def­i­n­i­tion of Vic­tims. To appeal to many we are see­ing terms like “rethink­ing Democ­ra­cy” and “rethink­ing Free­dom” to make their poli­cies sell­able to the mass­es. To have vic­tims they must have abusers and that will be Amer­i­c­as his­toric devel­op­ment by white Euro­pean males who wrote our Con­sti­tu­tion and oth­er great doc­u­ments for the pur­pose of cre­at­ing a Repub­lic of, by and for the peo­ple elim­i­nat­ing the need of an aris­toc­ra­cy run­ning gov­ern­ment. It is a Repub­lic, not a Democ­ra­cy. It is a Repub­lic today but one fac­ing elim­i­na­tion by the dark forces of elites, like Pelosi, Schumer, Oba­ma and Kamala who think they can run a gov­ern­ment bet­ter than the sim­ple peo­ple they have cre­at­ed and now pop­u­late it.

The attacks on Don­ald Trump will con­tin­ue. New crimes will be dis­cov­ered and applied, fraud­lent judges will try to jail him and when that fails, we can expect anoth­er assas­si­na­tion attempt to be blamed on the Mul­la’s of Islam­ic Iran. This is a seri­ous time. We can expect many cor­rupt elec­tion boards in Blue states, already well prac­ticed in bal­lot manip­u­la­tions, to be ready to find those thou­sands of bal­lots for Kamala when she falls behind.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, get pre­pared. They are com­ing for us. (01Sept24)

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