Profiles in Courage — Bobby F. Kennedy Jr., vs. Kamala Harris
RFK Jr’s “Glass Mountain” speech effectively ditching his lifelong involvement with the new National Socialist Democrat Party, must certainly stand as another chapter in his uncle President John F. Kennedy’s book, Profiles in Courage. I’m not sure JFK would understand his nephews reasons but, it’s a sad fact that neither JFK, nor his brother Robert F. Kennedy, Bobby Jr’s father, would ever be acceptable to the ‘comrades’ running todays Democrat Party. JFK was murdered because he wanted to return control of the CIA,, to administration control.
As president, JFK was beloved although his reputation as a womanizer is tarnishing his reign over Camelot as time and loyalties fade. Bobby F. Kennedy, as US Attorney was admired as an efficient but glorified crime fighter who went after the Mafia like a bulldog. He was murdered in his prime while campaigning for President in California. Bobby Jr. doesn’t bear the baggage of the colorful reputations his father and uncle did, but comes upon the political scene today as a disgusted Liberal Democrat of the old school, that needs to be save. The realization that the Democrat party of his Uncle and father have become images of the Bolshevik politics of Russia’s Stalinism, must have shocked him to his core that he should, against all his political instincts, decide that Donald Trump stood as the only remaining advocate of a Constitutional Republic and attach his wagon to Trumps campaign. That decision had to have been the most definitive decision he’s ever made. One must wonder was it easy for him to abandon the National Socialist Democrat Party and switch to support Trump? He did!
Bobby Kennedy Jr., in desperation seeing the old Democrat Party of his father and uncle, falling into the hands of Stalinist nincompoops fundamentally wanting to change America from a Constitutional Republic to a Socialist Communist Dictatorship, decided to attempt to run for his Party’s nomination and stem the decay. But instead, he was consistently rebuked as an enemy of the party for trying to usurp the Party’s privilege of selecting who its leaders would be for the sheep to vote for. Kamala Harris, as the party’s anointed choice, though her handlers, have consistently refused to allow her to meet with Bobby Kennedy Jr., under any excuse.
Until Thursday night last (29Aug24), Kamala has notably refused to sit for any public interviews. Thursday nights attempt with CNN, was a laughable exercise by the compliant Leftist media to talk around the real issues and allow Kamala to babble on with her word salad explanations that were mere talking points without a point. It did not escape viewers attention that If this pair, Harris and Walz, should achieve the top jobs in the American government, then the whole world will tremble…laughing! Kennedy, on the other hand, unafraid to stand before the public to expose the problems he saw rising within the party, agreed to an interview with the hated Tucker Carlson about the developing disastrous political landscape unfolding before the voters in November. In his Tucker Carlson interview Kennedy stated: “I reached out to her and I reached out to a number of people, including some relatives of mine who are very, very close to her personally and the Democratic Party” explaining that he was told it would be to no avail to try to meet with Harris. “There’s no way in the world that she’s going to talk to you.” He is now a party pariah and outcast!
As a definitive act of political courage, BFK Jr., forced to suspended his presidential campaign, threw his support to the only logical candidate left who loves America, Donald Trump. He joined Trump at Trumps recent Arizona rally where he delivered his “Glass Mountain” speech to make the change permanent. Kamala, still refusing to speak with him, was disparaged for her refusal to even speak with the media. He noted the unprecedented number of days Kamala had gone without holding any interview or press conferences since Biden’s abdication. Now under the strict direction of Obama’s youthful Comrades Biden’s administration even refuses VP Candidate Walz to meet with him despite the family legacy behind his name. In his “Glass Mountain” speech Bobby Kennedy Jr. laid his finger directly on what ails America: “As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big tech, big AG, and big money”. That about say’s it all, doesn’t it? They’re getting ready to cheat because they can do nothing else. They have no plan to offer except socialism! Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our external enemies, but by the ignorance of our leaders who were taught by a cadre of dangerous teachers, radical products from the 60’s &70’s, spewing their socialist nonsense to our children.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ready! (30Aug24)