Home / Opinion / Profiles in Courage — Bobby F. Kennedy Jr., vs. Kamala Harris

Profiles in Courage — Bobby F. Kennedy Jr., vs. Kamala Harris


RFK Jr’s “Glass Moun­tain” speech effec­tive­ly ditch­ing his life­long involve­ment with the new Nation­al Social­ist Demo­c­rat Par­ty, must cer­tain­ly stand as anoth­er chap­ter in his uncle Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy’s book, Pro­files in Courage. I’m not sure JFK would under­stand his nephews rea­sons but, it’s a sad fact that nei­ther JFK, nor his broth­er Robert F. Kennedy, Bob­by Jr’s father, would ever be accept­able to the ‘com­rades’ run­ning todays Demo­c­rat Par­ty. JFK was mur­dered because he want­ed to return con­trol of the CIA, et.al, to admin­is­tra­tion con­trol.

As pres­i­dent, JFK was beloved although his rep­u­ta­tion as a wom­an­iz­er is tar­nish­ing his reign over Camelot as time and loy­al­ties fade. Bob­by F. Kennedy, as US Attor­ney was admired as an effi­cient but glo­ri­fied crime fight­er who went after the Mafia like a bull­dog. He was mur­dered in his prime while cam­paign­ing for Pres­i­dent in Cal­i­for­nia. Bob­by Jr. does­n’t bear the bag­gage of the col­or­ful rep­u­ta­tions his father and uncle did, but comes upon the polit­i­cal scene today as a dis­gust­ed Lib­er­al Demo­c­rat of the old school, that needs to be save. The real­iza­tion that the Demo­c­rat par­ty of his Uncle and father have become images of the Bol­she­vik pol­i­tics of Rus­si­a’s Stal­in­ism, must have shocked him to his core that he should, against all his polit­i­cal instincts, decide that Don­ald Trump stood as the only remain­ing advo­cate of a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic and attach his wag­on to Trumps cam­paign. That deci­sion had to have been the most defin­i­tive deci­sion he’s ever made. One must won­der was it easy for him to aban­don the Nation­al Social­ist Demo­c­rat Par­ty and switch to sup­port Trump? He did!

Bob­by Kennedy Jr., in des­per­a­tion see­ing the old Demo­c­rat Par­ty of his father and uncle, falling into the hands of Stal­in­ist nin­com­poops fun­da­men­tal­ly want­i­ng to change Amer­i­ca from a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic to a Social­ist Com­mu­nist Dic­ta­tor­ship, decid­ed to attempt to run for his Par­ty’s nom­i­na­tion and stem the decay. But instead, he was con­sis­tent­ly rebuked as an ene­my of the par­ty for try­ing to usurp the Par­ty’s priv­i­lege of select­ing who its lead­ers would be for the sheep to vote for. Kamala Har­ris, as the par­ty’s anoint­ed choice, though her han­dlers, have con­sis­tent­ly refused to allow her to meet with Bob­by Kennedy Jr., under any excuse.

Until Thurs­day night last (29Aug24), Kamala has notably refused to sit for any pub­lic inter­views. Thurs­day nights attempt with CNN, was a laugh­able exer­cise by the com­pli­ant Left­ist media to talk around the real issues and allow Kamala to bab­ble on with her word sal­ad expla­na­tions that were mere talk­ing points with­out a point. It did not escape view­ers atten­tion that If this pair, Har­ris and Walz, should achieve the top jobs in the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment, then the whole world will tremble…laughing!  Kennedy, on the oth­er hand, unafraid to stand before the pub­lic to expose the prob­lems he saw ris­ing with­in the par­ty, agreed to an inter­view with the hat­ed Tuck­er Carl­son about the devel­op­ing dis­as­trous polit­i­cal land­scape unfold­ing before the vot­ers in Novem­ber. In his Tuck­er Carl­son inter­view Kennedy stat­ed: “I reached out to her and I reached out to a num­ber of peo­ple, includ­ing some rel­a­tives of mine who are very, very close to her per­son­al­ly and the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty” explain­ing that he was told it would be to no avail to try to meet with Har­ris. “There’s no way in the world that she’s going to talk to you.” He is now a par­ty pari­ah and out­cast!

As a defin­i­tive act of polit­i­cal courage, BFK Jr., forced to sus­pend­ed his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, threw his sup­port to the only log­i­cal can­di­date left who loves Amer­i­ca, Don­ald Trump. He joined Trump at Trumps recent Ari­zona ral­ly where he deliv­ered his “Glass Moun­tain” speech to make the change per­ma­nent. Kamala, still refus­ing to speak with him, was dis­par­aged for her refusal to even speak with the media. He not­ed the unprece­dent­ed num­ber of days Kamala had gone with­out hold­ing any inter­view or press con­fer­ences since Biden’s abdi­ca­tion. Now under the strict direc­tion of Oba­ma’s youth­ful Com­rades Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion even refus­es VP Can­di­date Walz to meet with him despite the fam­i­ly lega­cy behind his name. In his “Glass Moun­tain” speech Bob­by Kennedy Jr. laid his fin­ger direct­ly on what ails Amer­i­ca: “As you know, I left that par­ty in Octo­ber because it had depart­ed so dra­mat­i­cal­ly from the core val­ues that I grew up with. It had become the par­ty of war, cen­sor­ship, cor­rup­tion, big Phar­ma, big tech, big AG, and big mon­ey”.  That about say’s it all, does­n’t it? They’re get­ting ready to cheat because they can do noth­ing else. They have no plan to offer except social­ism! Ours may become the first civ­i­liza­tion destroyed, not by the pow­er of our exter­nal ene­mies, but by the igno­rance of our lead­ers who were taught by a cadre of dan­ger­ous teach­ers, rad­i­cal prod­ucts from the 60’s &70’s, spew­ing their social­ist non­sense to our chil­dren.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ready! (30Aug24)

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