Home / National / Kamala is spending more money on ads than Donald Trump in GA

Kamala is spending more money on ads than Donald Trump in GA

  • State elec­tion board objects to Ful­ton Coun­ty mon­i­tor plan. Ful­ton Co and SOS have already made a deal with Ryan Ger­many, the pre­vi­ous coun­sel to the SOS. That is a done deal no mat­ter what the SEB says. 
  • Kamala is spend­ing more mon­ey on ads than Don­ald Trump in GA. 
  • They want you to believe that Nik­ki Haley’s vot­ers in GA could play a deci­sive role in Novem­ber. Every­time they talk about Nik­ki Haley’s vot­ers they are talk­ing about Mar­ty Kemp. Bri­an and Mar­ty need to come out and dow some­thing for Don­ald Trump. 
  • Democ­rats are suing the GA gov­er­nor to force an ethics inves­ti­ga­tion of the SEB. 
  • Postal ser­vice woes per­sist. GA con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tion is still mad at the US postal ser­vice. US Sen­a­tor Ossoff intro­duced leg­is­la­tion last week to change how the post­mas­ter gen­er­al is hired by requir­ing Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion for the appointee and imple­ment­ing term lim­its. 
  • Kemp is going to attend an event with Lind­sey Gra­ham, not Don­ald Trump. 

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