Home / National / Biden and Zelensky meet to talk about a victory plan — More $$$ for Ukraine

Biden and Zelensky meet to talk about a victory plan — More $$$ for Ukraine

  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple know that we were going to get a clean spend­ing res­o­lu­tion, they put in a stop gap until Dec 20. They did not stop ille­gals from vot­ing. Dec 15th they will start talk­ing about shut­ting down the gov­ern­ment again. 
  • Zelen­sky will not meet with Trump dur­ing the US vis­it. World lead­ers sign dec­la­ra­tion sup­port­ing Ukraine recon­struc­tion. You are pay­ing for it. Biden and Zelen­sky meet to talk about a vic­to­ry plan. Trump vows to end Ukraine fund­ing. 
  • Ukraine is now a non-nuke coun­try. The deal that was made between Rea­gan and Gob­a­trof, Rus­sia removed the nukes from Ukraine. Rus­sia has things set up in Belarus. Russia’s nuclear doc­trine says they will not retal­i­ate with a nuke. Ukraine has been con­sid­ered a non-nuke coun­try. Now what Rus­sia is say­ing, if we have giv­en Zelen­sky long range mis­siles Putin will change the rules. If any of those mis­siles come into Rus­sia they will con­sid­er they are com­ing from a nuclear armed coun­try. 
  • WW3 is well on its way. Rus­sians will freeze the coun­try. Zelen­sky does not care, he gets his cut. Remem­ber Biden is in the deci­sion mak­ing posi­tion. Putin has moved his tar­gets back from the front line, dar­ing Zelen­sky to tar­get them. 

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