Home / National / Will the people believe that Trump lost NC because the Mark Robinson scandal

Will the people believe that Trump lost NC because the Mark Robinson scandal

  • A Plant: a per­son who is secret­ly in league with anoth­er per­son or out­side orga­ni­za­tion while pre­tend­ing to be neu­tral or part of the orga­ni­za­tion in which they are plant­ed. A polit­i­cal par­ty or intel­li­gence orga­ni­za­tion. Keep this in mind. Trump will win GA… but it is unknown if he will win the 270 elec­toral votes. It has been since 2008 that NC went demo­c­rat. Could they get the peo­ple of NC with the Mark Robin­son scan­dal to believe that Trump lost NC. We know the truth in GA that the elec­tion was stolen from the Amer­i­can peo­ple. It is so cor­rupt in GA, it has become the land of elec­tion oppor­tu­ni­ty grifters. You will not get the peo­ple to believe that Trump lost GA twice. We know with the evi­dence now that Trump won 2020. Remem­ber NC checked the box for Trump, so they didn’t get up the next day believ­ing that the elec­tion was stolen from Trump. They are mak­ing fun of Trump about the fur­ni­ture. So can they get the peo­ple to believe that Trump lost NC. Remem­ber Kamala has gobs of mon­ey. 
  • Now Eric Adams did some very bad stuff with his cam­paign mon­ey. But they nev­er find any­thing in their mon­ey. Kamala Har­ris raised $361M in August. She will prob­a­bly raise ¾ of a Bil­lion, from grass­roots? They have gobs of mon­ey. The mon­ey in NC is being spent to tie Mark Robin­son to Don­ald Trump. 
  • In GA it is about 2026. They will send some­one into your meet­ing who is the plant, into those patri­ot meet­ings. They use a plant to get the infor­ma­tion of what is being planned.
  • NYC may­or Eric Adams has been indict­ed. He is expect­ed to face fed­er­al charges. Eric Adams is a life­long NYer. It is not about par­ty, when the deep state comes after your par­ty is irrel­e­vant. He may be guilty of what they say but if he had played ball they would not have looked into him. Eric Adams has made Don­ald Trump’s cam­paign speech. Two years ago Eric Adams went from 10K to 150K ille­gals and said that it will destroy the city that it will impact all cit­i­zens of NYC. 
  • The indict­ment is sealed but the infor­ma­tion was leaked to give the net­works enough to report. An indict­ment like this doesn’t hap­pen in 90 days. It is an orga­nized take­down. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion cut him off 2 years ago. They have the FBI to go after Eric Adams. 
  • Alex Jones’ judge final­ly rules on how he’ll repay Sandy Hook vic­tims for hoax claims. He has to liq­ui­date every­thing.

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