Home / National / Trump Talks About The Furniture Manufacturing In North Carolina

Trump Talks About The Furniture Manufacturing In North Carolina

  • How will the vic­to­ry lap go? When Trump wins GA how will the vic­to­ry lap. Who will cel­e­brate what they did to get Trump elect­ed in GA. 
  • Putin has sent a nuke threat, and while he is doing that Zelen­sky is sign­ing his name on war­heads in PA. 
  • Biden gives an inter­view at The View. 
  • We have had 2 assas­si­na­tion attempts on Trump. Zelen­sky has amaz­ing secu­ri­ty around him. Now Rai­mon­do is on net­works say­ing we need to extin­guish Trump. PUtin say­ing he is going to send a nuke our way. 
  • Har­ris says we will need to raise cor­po­rate tax­es. Her eco­nom­ic speech was a total dis­as­ter, there isn’t a plan. The fear Amer­i­cans should have if she has the nuclear codes. In her talk she had the nerve to say that the trade deficit with Chi­na has gone down. 
  • Trump put every­thing on the line. Chi­na and John Deer will not go into Mex­i­co and ship things back to Amer­i­ca. Chi­na is build­ing enor­mous man­u­fac­tur­ing plants in Mex­i­co. Mex­i­co is the ene­my. Mex­i­cans are not cross­ing the bor­der, they have our jobs. 
  • They couldn’t get rid of the Trump Tar­iffs. They will not shut up about tar­iffs, they want to claim that it is a tax. 
  • Trump has been to NC twice since the Mark Robin­son sto­ry break­ing. Now they have polls show­ing a tie in bat­tle­ground states. State of the Race: North Car­oli­na back in play. NC is an impor­tant bat­tle­ground state. There was a point in time that most hotels went to NC for their fur­ni­ture. North Car­oli­na was the fur­ni­ture cap­i­tal of the world. Remem­ber Trump didn’t have to spend any time in NC. But the day of the last day to remove your name from the bal­lot, CNN put out the sto­ry of the Mark Robin­son scan­dal. They didn’t need to put the sto­ry out to give Stein a boost; it was to hurt Trump. The Nation­al Gov­er­nors asso­ci­a­tion removed mon­ey and endorse­ment from Mark Robin­son. This is a very dirty move to put NC back in play because they think they are going to lose PA. 
  • Trump talks about the fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­tur­ing in NC. Kamala can’t talk about the econ­o­my. NC lost 300K jobs when NAFTA and when Chi­na joined WTO came along. MSNBC said Trump veered off course. All the big buy­ers went to the NC fur­ni­ture shows. AS soon as it is said when Chi­na joined the World Trade is when Fox cut away.  Trump has these per­son­al expe­ri­ences as a cap­i­tal­ist in this coun­try, where we came from in this coun­try. 
  • Opi­oids have tak­en over these towns that have col­lapsed from the clos­ing of these man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­nies. High Point NC was the fur­ni­ture cap­i­tal of the world. They flew in world hotel groups into High Point for the shows. We have an opi­oid cri­sis, fen­tanyl cri­sis, and a crime cri­sis all across the coun­try. 
  • Secret Empires by Peter Schweiz­er. McConnell and Chao from Chi­na with prof­its. Go see how tar­iffs may hurt Mitch McConnell and his fam­i­ly. Sen­ate major­i­ty leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, oper­ate at the high­est lev­els of gov­ern­ment. They are one of the most pow­er­ful cou­ples in the Unit­ed States, with McConnell climb­ing to become the senior sen­a­tor in the Unit­ed States while his wife, Chao, has been a mem­ber of the cab­i­nets of two pres­i­dents: sec­re­tary of labor under George W Bush and sec­re­tary of trans­porta­tion under Don­ald Trump. She was pre­vi­ous­ly the head of the Fed­er­al Mar­itime Com­mis­sion. Her father is the own­er of Fore­most Mar­itime Cor­po­ra­tion, which was lat­er expand­ed to Fore­most Group. As an ear­ly adopter of green tech­nol­o­gy, Fore­most Group has incor­po­rat­ed fuel-effi­cient designs and tech­nolo­gies in its fleet of ships, which are ranked among the worlds’ most eco-friend­ly bulk car­ri­ers. Tar­iffs would not ben­e­fit the Chao fam­i­ly busi­ness. Obvi­ous­ly cor­rup­tion, orga­nized crime.

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