Home / National / Kamala’s Economic Speech Had No Substance, Promises “Pragmatic” Economy

Kamala’s Economic Speech Had No Substance, Promises “Pragmatic” Economy

  • The may­or of NYC may be going to jail. Did he kill any­one? Eric Adams may be tak­en down by cam­paign finance and dona­tions
  • Kamala has no idea on what a tar­iff is. Every­thing she does is writ­ten for her. They have gobs of mon­ey. 
  • In Savan­nah, Trump’s eco­nom­ic speech was bril­liant. He was in North Car­oli­na giv­ing his eco­nom­ic speech again. He has high­light­ed some­thing sad that has hap­pened all across this coun­ty and they have laughed. 
  • Kamala’s eco­nom­ic speech had no sub­stance. Har­ris promis­es “prag­mat­ic” eco­nom­ic poli­cies. She wants to put an oppor­tu­ni­ty econ­o­my in place for the mid­dle class. No sub­stance, no pol­i­cy. But she will raise cor­po­rate tax­es… and are you tired of pay­ing your fair share. When it comes to frack­ing, she is now for frack­ing.. All these mid­dle of the road poli­cies that she has now adopt­ed but her core val­ues have not changed. She wants to take your guns, she wants to con­trol pric­ing on the shelves. She is a com­mu­nist, not a cap­i­tal­ist as she says. She wants to put you in the house that the gov­ern­ment buys for you. This is a com­mu­nist marx­ist pro­gram that she is try­ing to put in place. The pro­grams that she is propos­ing for busi­ness will be gov­ern­ment con­trolled. Kamala’s core val­ues Fair­ness, dig­ni­ty and oppor­tu­ni­ty; prob­a­bly found in DEI
  • Putin changed the Russ­ian pol­i­cy of using nuclear weapons as Zelen­sky is in this coun­try get­ting your mon­ey. Zelen­sky is meet­ing with Joe Biden today. There will be pres­sure put on Joe Biden for him to use long range weapons into Rus­sia. While Putin said he will attack where the weapons came from to be at war with the coun­try. 
  • The deep state wants Kamala Har­ris to be the face of nego­ti­a­tions. You see that when Trump is elect­ed he will be the final word of the deci­sions. 
  • US and allies call for 21 day cease­fire along the Israel Lebanon bor­der. 
  • Trump to ral­ly again at the site of the first assas­si­na­tion attempt. He is going to But­ler PA. Rai­mon­do wants to per­ma­nent­ly remove Trump from the 2024 race. NOT one net­work has called her out on her com­ments. NOT one in the Biden Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion has called her out. 

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