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Remember We Have To Save The Country, It Does Not Require A Political Party

  • We are tired of the R being a trade­mark. We are tired of the par­ty hav­ing a trade­mark of R. The par­ty loy­al­ists are cheer­ing that we are going to win the sen­ate. But what will that get us? What have we accom­plished with con­trol of a cham­ber? 
  • Why does McConnell lie to you and back up Kamala Har­ris? Go look up McConnell’s wife and her fam­i­ly. The ship­ping from Chi­na to hear, see if tar­iffs increase costs to his fam­i­ly. 
  • Kemp goes to PA to cam­paign for a guy that is prob­a­bly going to lose. You can’t save Amer­i­ca in 2024 and for­get to save Geor­gia in 2026. Dave McCormick in the pri­ma­ry in 2022 ran against Dr. Oz. The guy they let in was John Fet­ter­man. Dave McCormick ran against Dr. Oz and you were ques­tion­ing Dr. Oz. They did every­thing to stop Dr. Oz. 
  • YOu think Kel­ly Loef­fler has a plant set up to pull 3% from Bri­an Kemp. 
  • If you want to retain the par­ty and get the par­ty back, wouldn’t the log­ic be to lose this one and fight to get the par­ty back. There is life after Trump, what will it be? Remem­ber we are here to save the coun­try. That does not require a polit­i­cal par­ty. It requires restor­ing the repub­lic for which it stands under the con­sti­tu­tion writ­ten by our found­ing fathers. 
  • The young peo­ple: What do you think is going to hap­pen to the price of beans? Not the fact that Chi­na owns the meat pro­cess­ing plants right here in the US. 
  • Kamala wants to end the fil­i­buster for abor­tion. The democ­rats are in total pan­ic. Trump is polling so high inter­nal­ly. 
  • Gov­ern­ment shut­down is avoid­ed until Dec 20. Once again the gift will be spend­ing your mon­ey by the cor­rupt orga­nized crime, your gov­ern­ment. 

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