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Do You Know Who The Enemy From Within Is?

  • Noth­ing is land­ing. They can’t get peo­ple to believe their lies. Trump sug­gests 200% tar­iffs on vehi­cles from Mex­i­co. Kamala wants to paint tar­iffs as the new Trump Tax on the mid­dle class. There will be a reck­on­ing in this coun­try because we don’t have a choice. They want you to believe that if Trump had told all repub­li­cans to vote for the bor­der bill it would have stopped the inflow of ille­gals. But the car­tels are already here. Putting a cou­ple of car­tel mem­bers in a super­max prison as a lead sto­ry on these net­works will not stop the crimes in Amer­i­ca or stop the car­tels. There is only one way, a day of reck­on­ing to clean out these cities. 
  • Our trade agree­ment with Mex­i­co has been used by Chi­na to get prod­ucts into the Unit­ed States with­out tar­iffs. 
  • 95% of the source of fed­er­al rev­enue until the fed­er­al income tax began in 1=913. For well over a cen­tu­ry the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment was large­ly financed by tar­iffs aver­ag­ing about 20% of for­eign imports. We need­ed the fed­er­al income tax to fund the world wars. 
  • Where has the joy gone? It looks like unde­cid­ed vot­ers are break­ing for Trump. Wait a minute they have done their part, they have debunked every­thing Trump has said, repub­li­cans have endorsed Kamala, the fundrais­ing, the media ran the nar­ra­tives. How could the unde­cid­ed vot­ers break for Trump? The media can’t fig­ure this one out. They are wor­ried because Trump said he would put them in jail. 
  • The peo­ple know that the coun­tries are clean­ing out their jails and dun­geons and send­ing them to Amer­i­ca. Don’t for­get, the view was that Trump lost the debate but the water cool­er con­ver­sa­tions after the debate, gets the whis­pers the next day. Over time the media could not hold any­thing for Kamala Har­ris. 
  • What will they do? 
  • Migrant youth gangs ter­ror­iz­ing Times Square from city fund­ed shel­ters. Auro­ra CO is not a small com­mu­ni­ty. When the ille­gal car­tel gangs start­ed tak­ing over the apart­ment com­plex­es is when peo­ple start­ed notic­ing Auro­ra. Spring­field is on the map from the Haitians eat­ing the cats. Loganville IN is now on the map. It is not just NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, etc. Kamala will lose the inner cities. 
  • This may be a land­slide unseen since Rea­gan.  
  • Do you know who the ene­my from with­in is? 
  • Remem­ber when JD Vance was the wrong pick? They are look­ing at it now… Did Kamala pick the wrong VP? When you are at the deep state meet­ing and the media is at this table.. The media is scream­ing that they have done every­thing they are sup­posed to do. It was JD Vance that kicked Walz clear over the moon. 

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