Home / National / Does Kamala Plan To Keep The Administration The Same?

Does Kamala Plan To Keep The Administration The Same?

  • Does Kamala plan to keep the admin­is­tra­tion the same? Will Richard Levine still be HHS sec­re­tary? Who believes that puber­ty hor­mone block­ers is health­care for your chil­dren. Don’t for­get every­thing is about the men­tal health cri­sis. With him being HHS sec­re­tary, he is in charge of your health­care in your schools. It is hap­pen­ing in your state, even in the areas that “it could­n’t’ hap­pen here”.
  • Oba­ma is lec­tur­ing black men. Fani Willis charg­ing hate crime on some­one defe­cat­ing on the pride flag. And what they are strug­gling with is black men. Ful­ton co GA has thou­sands of inmates. YOu can have black men die in Ful­ton co jail and rot before they find them. Thou­sands have not seen a judge. Hun­dreds that have not been before a judge for 5 years. And some that have not been before a judge for 10 years. But don’t defe­cate on a pride flag.

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