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What’s The Plan With 22 Days Left?

  • What’s the plan with 22 days left? We are in a good place going into the elec­tion. WE know they stole the elec­tion in 2020 with the set up of COVID. Every­thing is on the table on what they will do next? They are angry. What you need to watch for is; what they are most con­cerned about in what you are doing. There are peo­ple fil­ing law­suits all across the coun­try. There are sev­er­al in GA, OH, PA… All you hear is that in 2020 there were 65 cas­es and Trump only won 1. Are they con­cerned this time? 
  • There will be cheat­ing in the elec­tion. They are angry that we are bring­ing to light that ille­gals will vote in the elec­tion. 
  • They want vio­lence. 
  • Some law­suits are grifters, so peo­ple that are just try­ing to get mon­ey. Some law­suits have pro­fes­sion­al paid wit­ness­es. Some law­suits will not go any­where. But there are some chal­lenges that are lay­ing ground­work that has them con­cerned. The strat­e­gy for the post elec­tion… fil­ing in advance the law­suits. In 2020 we were not ready, we watched it unfold before our eyes. 
  • We are ready this time.. Weaponize the courts. They are pay­ing atten­tion to every­thing you have filed, they are pay­ing atten­tion to the vot­er rolls, they are pay­ing atten­tion to the machines because they know you are far more advanced than ever. Get­ting ready and not let­ting it hap­pen again. The nar­ra­tive con­trol is why the media is so angry because they are not con­trol­ling the nar­ra­tive. Their net­work is exposed how they have tried to con­trol the Kamala Har­ris cam­paign. 
  • If Mark Robin­son is so far down in the polls why are they spend­ing mon­ey to attack him, is it because he is gain­ing ground or is it to attack Trump to steal NC? 


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