Is It Bright Sunshine or an American Doomsday Coming?
Tuesday was the first day of early voting in Georgia. I pride myself by quickly attending to my civic duties as a real, genuine American born registered voter, with photo ID, by casting my vote early lest some mishap should befall me before November’s election day. Most of us know it’s vitally important to not neglect this duty but, surprisingly, some do and don’t really know why. Many are disgusted with the political process and have retreated into the darker recesses of their minds to nurture their dysfunction. Even early, I was 391 in a fast moving line.
Primarily, my focus in this election is based on the fact that our country, having been purposely flooded with millions of illegal invaders including many of the worst denizens from third world prisons released just to reduce their own crime rates while increasing ours, represents just one of several issues that present a clear and present danger of dragging American society down to their third world level of governing by unrestricted crime, violence and gun fire. Joe Biden is absolutely the last of the old time post Vietnam War era Democrats. His Democrat Party however is no longer the party of our fathers or grandfathers. It has become a completely radical-leftist, anti-American mob pretending to embrace “Democracy” which they don’t exercise it in its application to their own internal deliberations like selecting their party’s candidates for office. Not doing so reveals the lie of their intended Marxist agenda for America.
Joe Biden has been a puppet of evil, who had little idea what he was doing as he slipped into the dark realms of dementia while his handlers made decisions for him. Under the criteria of racism, for us, not him, he (they) selected a complete female non entity as his VP simply because she was possessed of some African genes enabling her to hide behind the mantel of racism as an American black woman, which she really isn’t! I don’t really know if Joe picked her or Obama did because we’ve now arrived at that point in time when it’s so obvious she’s incompetent, like a live hand grenade rolling around on the deck, that it’s become a scramble to kick that grenade overboard and can’t. Our mission is getting out the vote to stop her. Are you for saving America or not? That’s the question! They don’t want to save America, they want to change it! Is an American doomsday on the horizon?
When told by the Democrat party seniors that he was unelectable and should resign, Joe balked. Jill liked being First Lady after all. When they told him he would resign or they would invoke the 25th amendment, Joe threw in the towel promising not to run but would retain his presidency to the very end. What he did next was to leave the party traitors holding that live hand grenade by praising Kamala Harris, Willie Brown’s comfort woman, as the best the party had to offer to confront the rising popular candidacy of Donald J. Trump. In effect, Joe all but ruined the Democrat party’s scheme to retain Obama’s fourth term while he sunned himself on a Connecticut beach, made inane speeches of no consequence, snickering while watching Kamala Harris drag the party down. If she wins, they’ll have cheated to do it. Even in his dotage, Joe knew she was an incompetent fool incapable of finishing even the easiest tasks assigned to her like closing the border (laugh here) and, she’s proven him true to his assessment. Why did he choose her in the first place? To sew up the black vote of course.
What do we know about her? Certainly more than we knew about Barak Obama. Willie Brown recommended her highly. She failed as California Attorney General and DA for the city of San Francisco. She failed as Joe’s border Czarina, stands firmly against completing the border wall, contends parents have no say in their own child’s gender identity problems, stands firmly against voter ID, is adamently against oil extraction by fracking and oil and off shore drilling as well. She is seeking “reparations” for America’s history of slavery, an unconstitutional position by the way, while mandating electric vehicles for all. She wants us tax payers to pay off school debts for failed students who shouldn’t have been in college in the first place, dismantel ICE while encouraging sanctuary cities to protect its criminal elements. I could go on with her list of stupid unAmerican ideas but you get the idea!
I mentioned she will embrace racism as her protective cloak from criticism while expecting unwavering support from the Black community. As a San Francisco prosecutor, her record of convictions of black men for low level crimes, like picking the easy fruit lowest on the tree, reached crucifixion levels simply to inflate her numbers as an aggressive anti-crime fighter. And she expects the black community will support her. It isn’t after all. In effect Kamala Harris is very dangerous and as president she would quickly destroy the America we are trying to save. The voting has started. Donald Trump has a proven record of accomplishments that should be continued. Name three accomplishments of Kamala Harris. Can’t be done!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go vote. Take your elderly neighbors if necessary but do something to stop this Marxist assault on America. (16Oct24)