Home / Opinion / Is It Bright Sunshine or an American Doomsday Coming?

Is It Bright Sunshine or an American Doomsday Coming?


Tues­day was the first day of ear­ly vot­ing in Geor­gia. I pride myself by quick­ly attend­ing to my civic duties as a real, gen­uine Amer­i­can born reg­is­tered vot­er, with pho­to ID, by cast­ing my vote ear­ly lest some mishap should befall me before Novem­ber’s elec­tion day. Most of us know it’s vital­ly impor­tant to not neglect this duty but, sur­pris­ing­ly, some do and don’t real­ly know why. Many are dis­gust­ed with the polit­i­cal process and have retreat­ed into the dark­er recess­es of their minds to nur­ture their dys­func­tion. Even ear­ly, I was 391 in a fast mov­ing line.

Pri­mar­i­ly, my focus in this elec­tion is based on the fact that our coun­try, hav­ing been pur­pose­ly flood­ed with mil­lions of ille­gal invaders includ­ing many of the worst denizens from third world pris­ons released just to reduce their own crime rates while increas­ing ours, rep­re­sents just one of sev­er­al issues that present a clear and present dan­ger of drag­ging Amer­i­can soci­ety down to their third world lev­el of gov­ern­ing by unre­strict­ed crime, vio­lence and gun fire.  Joe Biden is absolute­ly the last of the old time post Viet­nam War era Democ­rats. His Demo­c­rat Par­ty how­ev­er is no longer the par­ty of our fathers or grand­fa­thers. It has become a com­plete­ly rad­i­cal-left­ist, anti-Amer­i­can mob pre­tend­ing to embrace “Democ­ra­cy” which they don’t exer­cise it in its appli­ca­tion to their own inter­nal delib­er­a­tions like select­ing their par­ty’s can­di­dates for office. Not doing so reveals the lie of their intend­ed Marx­ist agen­da for Amer­i­ca.

Joe Biden has been a pup­pet of evil, who had lit­tle idea what he was doing as he slipped into the dark realms of demen­tia while his han­dlers made deci­sions for him. Under the cri­te­ria of racism, for us, not him, he (they) select­ed a com­plete female non enti­ty as his VP sim­ply because she was pos­sessed of some African genes enabling her to hide behind the man­tel of racism as an Amer­i­can black woman, which she real­ly isn’t!  I don’t real­ly know if Joe picked her or Oba­ma did because we’ve now arrived at that point in time when it’s so obvi­ous she’s incom­pe­tent, like a live hand grenade rolling around on the deck, that it’s become a scram­ble to kick that grenade over­board and can’t.  Our mis­sion is get­ting out the vote to stop her. Are you for sav­ing Amer­i­ca or not? That’s the ques­tion! They don’t want to save Amer­i­ca, they want to change it!  Is an Amer­i­can dooms­day on the hori­zon?

When told by the Demo­c­rat par­ty seniors that he was une­lec­table and should resign, Joe balked. Jill liked being First Lady after all. When they told him he would resign or they would invoke the 25th amend­ment, Joe threw in the tow­el promis­ing not to run but would retain his pres­i­den­cy to the very end. What he did next was to leave the par­ty trai­tors hold­ing that live hand grenade by prais­ing Kamala Har­ris, Willie Brown’s com­fort woman, as the best the par­ty had to offer to con­front the ris­ing pop­u­lar can­di­da­cy of Don­ald J. Trump. In effect, Joe all but ruined the Demo­c­rat par­ty’s scheme to retain Oba­ma’s fourth term while he sunned him­self on a Con­necti­cut beach, made inane speech­es of no con­se­quence, snick­er­ing while watch­ing Kamala Har­ris drag the par­ty down. If she wins, they’ll have cheat­ed to do it. Even in his dotage, Joe knew she was an incom­pe­tent fool inca­pable of fin­ish­ing even the eas­i­est tasks assigned to her like clos­ing the bor­der (laugh here) and, she’s proven him true to his assess­ment. Why did he choose her in the first place? To sew up the black vote of course.

What do we know about her? Cer­tain­ly more than we knew about Barak Oba­ma. Willie Brown rec­om­mend­ed her high­ly. She failed as Cal­i­for­nia Attor­ney Gen­er­al and DA for the city of San Fran­cis­co. She failed as Joe’s bor­der Cza­ri­na, stands firm­ly against com­plet­ing the bor­der wall, con­tends par­ents have no say in their own child’s gen­der iden­ti­ty prob­lems, stands firm­ly against vot­er ID, is ada­ment­ly against oil extrac­tion by frack­ing and oil and off shore drilling as well. She is seek­ing “repa­ra­tions” for Amer­i­ca’s his­to­ry of slav­ery, an uncon­sti­tu­tion­al posi­tion by the way, while man­dat­ing elec­tric vehi­cles for all. She wants us tax pay­ers to pay off school debts for failed stu­dents who should­n’t have been in col­lege in the first place, dis­man­tel ICE while encour­ag­ing sanc­tu­ary cities to pro­tect its crim­i­nal ele­ments. I could go on with her list of stu­pid unAmer­i­can ideas but you get the idea!

I men­tioned she will embrace racism as her pro­tec­tive cloak from crit­i­cism while expect­ing unwa­ver­ing sup­port from the Black com­mu­ni­ty. As a San Fran­cis­co pros­e­cu­tor, her record of con­vic­tions of black men for low lev­el crimes, like pick­ing the easy fruit low­est on the tree, reached cru­ci­fix­ion lev­els sim­ply to inflate her num­bers as an aggres­sive anti-crime fight­er. And she expects the black com­mu­ni­ty will sup­port her. It isn’t after all.  In effect Kamala Har­ris is very dan­ger­ous and as pres­i­dent she would quick­ly destroy the Amer­i­ca we are try­ing to save. The vot­ing has start­ed. Don­ald Trump has a proven record of accom­plish­ments that should be con­tin­ued. Name three accom­plish­ments of Kamala Har­ris. Can’t be done!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go vote. Take your elder­ly neigh­bors if nec­es­sary but do some­thing to stop this Marx­ist assault on Amer­i­ca. (16Oct24)

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