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Everything Has The Hero And The Villain

  • Joe is in Ger­many receiv­ing an award. 
  • North Car­oli­na had snow 2 days ago, while many of the peo­ple of west­ern North Car­oli­na don’t have shel­ter, pow­er, heat, or warm cloth­ing. There are a lot of church­es in the area that are accept­ing dona­tions. 
  • The edit­ing on the net­works, every­thing has the hero and the vil­lain. The fox news inter­view with Bret Baier. There was a lot of cheer­ing from the peo­ple who are vot­ing for Trump. There is a group that is just now pay­ing atten­tion. There is edit­ing on all the net­works. Bret did a good job on the inter­view but it was to manip­u­late you. When it pulled out the clip for the ene­my with­in clip, it was not the ene­my with­in clip and allowed her to push back. Why would he not acknowl­edge that he played the wrong clip? While he apol­o­gized for not play­ing the cor­rect clip the morn­ing after. The nar­ra­tive is that she had the guts to push back on Bret Baier. They say 7 mil­lion tuned in to the Kamala Har­ris inter­view. Fox’s audi­ence call them­selves inde­pen­dents. Don’t for­get the base is in trou­ble. Kamala can’t fire them up to get them to vote. 
  • Next week she is going on CNN for a town hall to apol­o­gize for going on Fox news. 
  • Last night was the Al Smith din­ner. 

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