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Trump Doubles Down On The Enemy Within Attacks

  • What will they do? McDon­ald has local­ly owned and oper­at­ed stores. Trump dou­bles down on the ene­my with­in attacks. Trump goes into a McDon­alds and they shut it down for a cou­ple of hours as he is work­ing the dri­ve thru. They can’t find Kamala’s employ­ee file from McDon­alds.  They are talk­ing about this as the cam­paign stop that has sent Kamala back home. Trump at McDonald’s blows through social media. What would they do? McDonald’s stock went up that day. MAGA start­ed going through the dri­ve thru the next day. McDonald’s adver­tis­ing was enor­mous. Did they freak out because McDon­ald stock was up. Then is it a coin­ci­dence that e.Coli out­break on the quar­ter pounder. Death by quar­ter pounder, 1 per­son dies, 49 cas­es in 10 states. Trump goes to McDon­ald and hands the fries out the win­dow. Stock goes up. MAGA buy­ing fries. He proves that she nev­er worked at McDon­alds. Why did Kamala say she worked at McDon­alds dur­ing the sum­mer to help build her black cred. McDon­alds cus­tomer base is large­ly black. 
  • What do you do now, you have a bad can­di­date? Kamala is los­ing. 
  • Amer­i­ca’s most pow­er­ful banker Jamie Dimon JPMor­gan is back­ing Kamala Har­ris because he thinks Trump is sin­cere about stop­ping the cor­rup­tion. Fed­er­al employ­ees are fear­ing Trump 2.0
  • What do you do… go to the emer­gency. 
  • They are going to make sure you don’t have attor­neys or risk what they have. They are putting the fear in to take every­thing you have. Judge takes Rudy’s assets to give to poll work­ers. 
  • If elec­tion night Trump declares vic­to­ry pre­ma­ture­ly. Dem state leg­is­la­ture group on insur­rec­tion watch ahead of Nov 5 elec­tion. Kamala is a dis­as­ter. Joe in NH say­ing I need to put trump in jail. NH is slip­ping away. WI, MI, PA how do they plan to steal it. Post elec­tion vio­lence. They have resources and attor­neys and experts. They are ready to have a win­ner claim vic­to­ry and the los­er con­cedes. 
  • DCCC “Trump used state leg­is­la­tors to push his vir­u­lent lies and attempt­ed to over­turn the elec­tion results, both lead­ing up to and after Elec­tion Day. GOP leg­is­la­tors col­lud­ed with those seek­ing to dis­rupt elec­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, meet­ing with them ahead of riots and aid­ing their entry into cap­i­tals.” if you do this they will give every­thing to them. What experts do we have? What attor­neys do we have? We can’t get in court and get our cas­es heard? Our rules get knocked out.
  • 2 weeks out it has all been planned. They are ready for what they have to do on elec­tion night. They are ready for the day after. They are ready for the bal­lots to come in from all over for what is need­ed. No mat­ter what Don­ald Trump says they always cor­rect what he says. Nev­er cor­rect what Kamala says. They are ready… it is up to you now…  they will kill you over a ham­burg­er. They are in com­plete fear that the polling data they have and Don­ald Trump will be in office. 

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