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Why Did They Take Kamala Off The Campaign Trail?

  • Why did they take Kamala off the cam­paign trail? Is she drink­ing?
  • Trump will be in Gwin­nett today. It will be a star stud­ded event. 
  • Fed­er­al employ­ees are fear­ing Trump 2.0. Civ­il ser­vants across the gov­ern­ment are wor­ried they might soon get fired. The Trump tran­si­tion team has to sign doc­u­ments with the exec­u­tive team for a smooth trans­fer of pow­er. Trump has not signed the doc­u­ments. There are enor­mous amounts of exec­u­tive branch deep state employ­ees that will shift over to the new admin­is­tra­tion. 
  • Yes­ter­day if your can­di­date is lead­ing your cam­paign with your can­di­date. If your can­di­date is in posi­tion to sweep PA, WI, MI, MN you wouldn’t be at home. Slotkin in MI will not cam­paign at this time with Har­ris. Bruce Spring­steen to head­line with Oba­ma. Oba­ma is in Detroit while Kamala is off the trail. They are not cam­paign­ing in Detroit for Kamala, They are cam­paign­ing for Slotkin. The inter­nals say that Trump is going to walk away with MI. Pub­lic polls show Trump is up 3%. But we don’t know how many bal­lots will show up in the alley. They don’t want Kamala back in MI. Oba­ma is there with Walz in WI, no Kamala. Tam­my Bald­win is try­ing to win the Sen­ate. Fet­ter­man is the guy cam­paign­ing for you in PA. Casey is stay­ing clear away from Kamala. Joe Biden is cam­paign­ing in NH. 
  • Votes in PA so far 1049190. Reg­is­tered democ­rats are down but num­ber is more than repub­li­can. Repub­li­can reg­is­tra­tions are up. 
  • Kamala is off the cam­paign trail for a rea­son. 
  • Trump is ahead out­side the mar­gin of error in PA, OH, MI, NC, GA. We don’t know how many bal­lots will cross state lines into the back door. The democ­rats are prepar­ing for the steal. 
  • Michi­gan vot­er rolls claim 8.4M vot­ers when there are less than 8M eli­gi­ble res­i­dents. Judge toss­es RNC law­suit accus­ing Michi­gan of mis­man­ag­ing vot­er rolls. 
  • The only thing we can do is win with Trump in Novem­ber. 
  • The explo­sion is going to come from the inner cities. What is shock­ing for Amer­i­ca is the num­ber of inner city votes for Trump. Kamala is los­ing so bad­ly in the sub­urbs but they aren’t pay­ing atten­tion to what is hap­pen­ing in the inner cities. 
  • The peo­ple know they can sur­vive 4 years of Trump but they don’t know if they can sur­vive 4 years of Kamala. 

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