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You Will Certify The Election, You Will Rubber Stamp It

  • You will cer­ti­fy the elec­tion, you will rub­ber stamp it. There is a lot of noise going around Brad Raf­fensperg­er rais­ing legal fees to cer­ti­fy the elec­tion. They are pre­pared for peo­ple to say they will not cer­ti­fy the elec­tion.  
  • We are total­ly out of con­trol. We need a rehaul of the entire sys­tem. 
  • They nev­er cor­rect any­thing Kamala says. Remem­ber Trump is exhaust­ed. They have pulled Kamala from the cam­paign trail. She is doing a town hall tonight with Ander­son Coop­er. They are behind closed doors try­ing to fig­ure out what they are going to do.
  • All they have is that Trump said Kamala is lazy and that Kel­ly (Trump’s chief of staff) said Trump liked Hitler’s gen­er­als. 
  • Mark Robin­son sues CNN over the report. The net­works pulled away from the sto­ry after the dam­age was done as the governor’s asso­ci­a­tion removed their endorse­ment and the mon­ey from his cam­paign. After Mark filed his law­suit, Trump went to Asheville. Mark Robin­son has done such an amaz­ing job in the response from Hur­ri­cane Helene. Last night Trump held a ral­ly in Greens­boro NC where Mark Robin­son is from. And makes a joke about a law­suit with 60 min­utes just for the fun of it. 
  • Sect Austin in Kyiv. And we have a major leak of US intel­li­gence on the Israeli attack on Iran. Blinkin is over in Israel try­ing to explain what is hap­pen­ing to BiBi. Mean­while BRICS is meet­ing in Rus­sia.

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