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It’s Old News: Raffensperger Raising Money For Defense Fund

Raf­fensperg­er is pri­vate­ly rais­ing mon­ey for an Elec­tion Defense Fund. On March 7, 2024, six Sec­re­tary of States were build­ing a net­work to bat­tle the law­suits. The news is old. Josh McK­oon has known about the Elec­tion Defense Fund. Lets not do any­thing that gives them any cred­i­bil­i­ty. Every­thing that you have been see­ing is old news to whip you up in a pan­ic. We need to be focused on Marc Elias. They have nev­er let up that Don­ald Trump is a threat to democ­ra­cy. There is a rea­son why they are clos­ing with “Threat to Democ­ra­cy”. There is all out war. Will Trump claim vic­to­ry too ear­ly. Is there a cyber attack? Why is Iran blamed every time? Did they give the green light to kill Trump?

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