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Don’t Trade Our Republic For Clicks

  • Don’t trade our repub­lic for clicks. We have a seri­ous elec­tion in front of us. The Sec­re­tary of States have banned togeth­er to raise mon­ey for a legal defense fund to bat­tle the law­suits. There are law­suits that have tak­en place that should not have tak­en place. There are law­suits that will be filed that they are ready for. Every­one has lawyered up. The RNC and SOS across the coun­try, the DNC has lawyered up. Stay focused on what is in front of us. 
  • What is the mean­ing of any of that if they kill Trump. If Hitler was the ene­my and we had to find him and kill him because he was the ene­my. Are we say­ing the new Hilter, Don­ald Trump, should be killed? Kamala came out yes­ter­day at the Naval Obser­va­to­ry, where the VP lives. She doesn’t make a cam­paign speech, she makes a state­ment as VP of the Unit­ed States, she makes a state­ment. 
  • This is old news, the 911 call from John Kel­ly. She comes out to tell you as if Amer­i­ca is under attack. Every­thing is set up to look like they have found some­thing out and they are shar­ing it with the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The day before Joe Biden says they need to lock Trump up. This is not a typ­i­cal cam­paign. This is not a cam­paign strat­e­gy, this is break glass in case of emer­gency. She is com­ing out as the exec­u­tive branch has some intel­li­gence to share with the Amer­i­can peo­ple. 
  • VP Har­ris to make clos­ing argu­ment speech at the site of Trump’s Jan6 remarks. 
  • Sun­day Chris Sununu was on abc, he is NH gov­er­nor. Biden made the remarks to lock up Trump in NH. Bernie Sanders is in NH. Sununu has inter­nal polling that Trump is so high that Sununu is the best sur­ro­gate for Trump. We know that John Kel­ly has attacked Trump sev­er­al times since it start­ed a year ago. But he just did anoth­er arti­cle recent­ly with The Atlantic, the audio of the inter­view was released. 
  • The con­cern is that they are send­ing the sig­nal out to kill Trump? They are beg­ging you to believe that he is dan­ger­ous, he is a fas­cist, because he has not signed the paper­work for the peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er. 

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