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The Nation Braces For High Stakes Election And Aftermath

  • It is not a coin­ci­dence the attack on McDon­alds. 
  • Right before the elec­tion Mitch McConnell releas­es his biog­ra­phy “Com­plete­ly Wrong” which takes on MAGA. 
  • North Kore­an troops are in Rus­sia. There is no world news on BRICS. BRICS didn’t dis­cuss gen­der affirm­ing care and women’s health­care. The deep state wants you to believe that these issues are what the world is con­cerned about. 
  • A few of the BRICS nations: Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Chi­na, Rus­sia, Sau­di Ara­bia, Egypt, Iran, India, Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates… It says a lot about nat­ur­al resources. They are try­ing to do away with SWIFT using the US dol­lar for trade pur­chas­es. They are cre­at­ing their own cur­ren­cy. 
  • The day after is the con­cern. Trump is try­ing to win an elec­tion, he needs every­one who likes Josh McK­oon, MTG, Kel­ly Leof­fler to vote for him. He knows who these peo­ple are and what a prob­lem they are. 
  • Nation braces for high stakes elec­tion and after­math. There was a cyber­at­tack that took place in GA. and every­one is con­cerned with the mil­i­tary bal­lots and if the steal is out there. And how long will it take to get these mil­i­tary bal­lots count­ed. Trump and allies file pre-elec­tion law­suits. Marc Elias came into GA in 2020 and rewrote GA state elec­tion with the help of Stacey Abrams and Brad Raf­fensperg­er, we will nev­er know if Kemp was in the room. 
  • The rules in GA were nev­er going any­where. It was all staged. We do not need to ele­vate the sta­tus of a group by doing stu­pid stuff like what MTG did. 
  • They are get­ting you ready to accept that it will take a few days to get the results from the elec­tion. Kan­diss Tay­lor and MTG are try­ing to get clicks, they are find­ing machines flip­ping votes. MTG took the big one nation­al­ly, it was vot­er error in the bal­lot being wrong and it was cor­rect­ed imme­di­ate­ly. 
  • Marc Elias has a plan all the way to the end, Jan 20. 
  • A week before the close of the elec­tion, Kamala is going to The Ellipse to give her clos­ing speech. Pre­dic­tion of what she will say. 
  • William Burns of the CIA is on Kamala’s short list of Sec­re­tary of State. The CIA chief emerges as the real US power­bro­ker in the Mid­dle East. remem­ber it is Iran in the mid­dle east that is plan­ning the attack on Trump. It is Iran that got the clas­si­fied leaked doc­u­ments on the Israeli attack. And it is Iran who claims to have the cyber­at­tack on the GA absen­tee bal­lot web­site. 
  • Gabe Ster­ling gets to say to MTG that the machines did not flip a vote. In this instance that she pro­mot­ed it is true the machines did not flip the vote. MTG start­ed a fire storm that was a lie that made us look bad. Lets not ele­vate the stock in the cor­rup­tion in our elec­tions. 

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